Chapter 72 : Carrying your Heart

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i inhaled as i sat up on the bed, my body aching from the bruises and i could bearly blink because of my freshly black eye .

yixing liked hitting me when he came home. he said his job was hard and they treated him bad so he had to release a bit out on me to feel stronger .
i still loved him tho .

yixing says if i behave and keep quiet he might go out with me by the end of this week . its been probably my third week now. so he told me i need some fresh air too and i couldnt wait .

i wasnt allowed near windows and whenever someone rings i need to hide in one of the little rooms ,he even put a curtain over the door to hide it .

i started smiling more, because yixing promised me that i could sleep in his bed with him if i smile .and he would try to not have sex with me for the day .

but theres something i realy hate .
thats the nightmares or my body. i've turned so clumsy i'm always breaking something because i couldnt even hold a cup sometimes and would end up breaking it . yixing doesnt like it when i break something .
he gets realy mad .

and the nightmares make him mad too. because i sometimes scream while waking up and he doesnt like being woken in the middle of the night. especially not when he has work the next day .

limping lightly i made my way to the kitchen . i'm walking so fast and its getting annoying sometimes because i'm so so slow but my back hurts realy bad all the time . and yestersay he stepped onto my knee and its pretty swollen now. purple and a little green and blue .. it was ugly .

i reached for the glass on the counter turning to the sink and filling my glass with a little water and slowly gulping it down when there was suddenly a ringing . and a knocking .

someone rang ...

i'm not allowed to open the door but .. until now no one has ever rang on it before and i was acually hesitating . it knocked again and i almost flinched putting the glass down and not moving .

maby he would leave . what if its yixing who forget his keys ? .. he will be mad if i didnt open the door to him .or maby its him testing me .

it was suddenly quiet until that someone decided to knock and ring again rather fast as if he was in a hurry .

it was making me quite curious so i found myself carefully walking over to the window . just slightly moving the curtain to the side only the tiniest gape but i instandly let it fall close when i set eye upon the perosn standing on the door .

i backed up with my hands over my mouth tears instandly overfilling my eyes as i tried to remain silent .

this cant be ... he . no
i'm hallucinating . it cant be its not possible .
hes dead because he gave me his heart . otherwise i wouldnt be here right now . otherwise i would be dead right now instead of carrying a long scar over my chest from the surgery .

jongin is dead . that cant be him .

,, hello ?! " he yelled as if he was angry continuing to knock on the door ,, yixing !?" how does he know we are here ? . we drove so far to get away from them to not be found . how does he .. hes not real thats how . i'm imagening
,, i know you're there !" his knocking was becoming more louder and i coverd my ears clsing my eyes .
,, yixin-!"
,, SHUT UP !"

my eyes widened and i coverd my mouth now instead when it was suddenly quiet .

,, k-kyungsoo ?"

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