Chapter 25 : Something's wrong

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,, jongin come here "  chanyeol laughed as he had his phone out talking with baekhyun and krystal .

,, i'm already here "
i chuckled stepping closer and they showed me a video of a dog wearing kid clothes .i smirked at it.
,, you and youre stupid videos "

,, why? they're funny !" he instandly defended himself making me laugh weakly  .

the days have been passing and i havent talked to kyungsoo properly ever since . we just kinda agreed to being normal . i still loved him dont get me wrong wich is probably the main reason why this is so bothering me .i would sometimes see him in lunch break smile with baek .. well only somedays ofcorse .because most of the time he would hide his face behind his hoodie and a cotton mouth face mask. at least i could now see his eyes since he had cut his hair just obove his cute eyebrows .

then on other days i would see him just smile at baek ... that smile that screamed fake .

i know what you're thinking
how do you know its fake ??
i dont want to sound creepy or anything but i've been watching him closely when he still used to work with me and in school ofcorse .i used to exam his features whenever he fell asleep on my couch . or whenever we talked and joked .or were serious .

i know how his real smiles and laugh look like .but also how his fake once look like . his eyes gave it away .

,, come on little dreamer " krystal pulled me back into reality and i looked at her .
she's been a good friend of mine lately .
honestly i thought she was like yoona or any of those other bitches .. but she wasnt, acually she was quite funny and helpful .even tho she could be annyoing sometimes.

i followed her and went to my class when i dropped my books all of the sudden and had to stop .krystal was ofcorse gone already . she's so hectic.

i almost flinched back when i saw seungsoo on the other end of the halls .he had a dead expression and his face was completly beat up . i noticed that he looked already dead yesterday as if he had been crying .but today he had an beaten up face even

,, jongn are you stupid ? class has started " it was chanyeol who came back this time pulling me with him by my arm .

i didnt say anything anymore and just enterd my class .sitting down onto my table as the teacher started talking nearly falling asleep himself as he did so . and i .. just kinda looked around .watching chanyeol draw something while the guy i guess tao or whatever was picking his nose and besides me that luhan guy baek used to be friends with sleep .

i dont know what happened between them but i guess luhan wanted to rather be a cool guy instead of a friend .


well that was fast ..

i quieckly grabb my bag not bothering to wait for chanyeol since he had another few friends in there probably holding him off anyway . i was never the kind a guy who loved learning new people . i was only known well because of chanyeol.

walking through the halls i stoped at one coner to look around it .
it might sound creepy but i've also been watching him when he got to his locker .

but he wasnt there .his locker was closed and he was nowhere in sight . i could see a few guys snickering as they walked past his locker .they got a pencil out and disccused a few things before one of them drew something on it .

i only sighed as i waited for them to leave before i made my own way towards his locker .

it was realy dirty .

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