Chapter 4 : Hard job..

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,, kyungsoo !"

i dont know how long it has been since i started hating hearing my name .especially when it comes from their mouths .

,,kyungsoo !"

his voice makes me puke .and i would give everything to just punsh in his stupid handsome face .

but unfortunatly it wasnt that easy .
i packed the sandwiches in 3 boxes along with carrots for eujin strawberries for my step dad and paprika for seungsoo
holding them tight i rushed upstairs and into the room of my beloved stepbrother seungsoo .

,,seungsoo you need to get up you have an appointment" i opened the curtaina and the windows to let fresh air into the room as i layed his box with food onto the table .

,, kyungsoo !"
quieckly i hurried out of seungsoos room .heading towards eujins room , where i placed her box onto the table .its saturday after all so she doesnt have to get up early its just her breakfast because i'll be gone for work and seungsoo will be with my stepdad at the dentist .

,, kyungsoo !" his voice was getting louder so i speeded up and almost ran towards his room .
i opened the door gently and held his box in my hands .

,, where were you i called a dozen times !"
were was i suppose to be !? i had to run to the grocery store and back to make it in time. ofcorse i couldnt hear him .

,, i'm sorry " i still apologize tho .because he was simply scary and i'm already receiving a punishment .i dont need it to get worse .

,, give me my box " he reached his hand out from his seat and i quieckly handed him the box.

he looked inside as if checking if i were doing it right .
,, the sandwich ?"

,, just a little butter .instead of tomatos, eggs ,fresh bacon and no salat ... and the strawberries beside " i informaned him .i was doing this a thousend times .they always had different wishes but i didnt bother anymore. its
normal to me now .

,, eujin ?"

,, just tomatos, bacon, salat and the carrots "

,, seungsoo ?"

,, just bacon and butter .. and the paprika "

he nodded in approval, closing the box again as he stood up and walked to a different desk on the otherside of the room .

,, wake up seungsoo "

i hated his voice ,his comands .it disgusts me, how he knows that he can order me around and do whatever he wants. but what could i possibly do? .
so without further or do i just nodded and headed to seungsoos room. to wake him for their appointment at the dentist .

no he doesnt have old teeth. he just gets that special toothpaste to make his teeth more white for the ball .after all he's going to go after jongin .just the thought of those 2 together made me want to burn the whole house down .


,, kyungie " a giggling baekhyun enterd the diner jumping like little red riding hood over to me wich makes me smile in instand .that idiot always manages to make me smile somehow .

,, what now ?" i questioned as soon as he stood in front of me with only the counter between us as i washed over it with a cloth .

dreamingly he exhaled as he looked at the wall ,, chanyeol "

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