Chapter 56 : Change

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ding dong

the door rang and i flinched while i was still half laying on jongin and now sat up feeling excited but at the same time nervous .

staring at jongin he only smiled
,, dont worry " he got up while i shyly followed.

the door opened and i instandly heard hye cheer as she jumped onto jongin making me giggle .
i also noticed how big she has gotten she grew quite a bit and her hair aswell .i'm definetly gonna braid them again if she allows me to .

,, kyungie !!" she also squeals at me and got to me jumping on me aswell while jongin like the caring person he was stretched his hand out behind me in case if i fell . but that little weight i could handle.

however did my smile fall slightly when i glanced upon his grandma she wasnt as old as i imagened her to be and she looked quite fit, confident and pretty .there were only a few gray strains in her dark hair. all in one she wasnt the typical granny

,, hey ,you must be kyungsoo "

i nodded looking down because my body just tensed whenever is saw a stranger it made me feel uneasy and scared .

and when she reached her hand out to me i felt my heartbeat fasten
,, i'm meeyon but everyone calls me mony "

,, noh ! i call you halmoni !" hye interupts and i giggle taking yons hand and shaking it .
,, and i call jongin jonginnni and kyungsoo kyungie !"

,, and i call him baby " jongin answers laying his arm around my waist and i blushed into my hands while hye laughed along with mony .

,, you realy are cute just like jongin said " she continued as we walked further inside closing the door .
,, i know we've just arrived but hye saw a cafe on the way here , maby we can talk a little more there , they had a little playground for her aswell "

,, yeah " jongin looked around with a sigh ,,let us just go and chanhe into something better before we go" they chuckled and she nodded while hye wa salready seated in frotn of the tv

i followed him close behind as he walked up the stairs to his room getting some clothes
,, what do you thnk of her ?" he asked me once he threw some pants for me over to me .

i got them putting them on as i replied
,, i just met her jongin " i chuckled
,,but .. i think i'll li-ke her "

a hum came from him at that and i quieckly turned around facing the wall as i pulled a fresh shirt on as fast as i could to not show my stomach .

when i had to flinch because right when i had my pullover on, his hands appeard and sneaked around me as he backhugged me tight .
,, i know you dont like meeting new people or going out .. i realy appreaciate this you know "

i smiled at that this time .
turning around to press a light kiss to his lips before i motioned over to the door with my head .


being in that cafe, i didnt feel comfortable at all . there werent a lot of people but enough to make me feel nervous i couldnt stand so many voices talking .

we all were talking a lot too well jongin and his grandma were and i was rather watching hye play on the little playground . now and then listening to what jongin and his grandma were talking about .

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