Chapter 66 : Take no more

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i screamed when he started to slip out of my hands .
and i reached foreward wanting to grab him more but he was slipping too fast so i leaned out more but before i could even attemp to grab him again he just slipped out of my fingers and i watched him fall .

,, KYUNGSOO !! "

flinching awake at the nightmare i released a sigh of relief as he still layed on me on the couch while i was half sitting half laying against the side of it .

and he still layed on me with about 3 blankets wrapped around him along with my arms . he hasnt woken up yet and i was starting to get worried , with him being still cold to the touch but he was even before that happened .

why cant the world just leave us alone , why did he have to enter the krystal coffee right at that moment ? its like the univers somehow enjoys seeing us suffer. but then again at least it didnt take him away from me.

he stirred slightly and i turned my full attention to him ,however did he only turn his head with a whimper laying his other cheek against my chest .

i sighed and wanted to run my fingers through hs hair when i almost gasped at how hot he felt to my hands.

instandly i sat more up with him and he whimperd again this time coughing .
,, dad !" i called pulling kyungsoo more up and removing the blankets .
he was now only wearing his boxes and the thickest pullover of mine since his other clothes were all wet from the snowing .

i sat up right but left him to lay fully down onto the couch
,, dad !" i dont know but if someone has a fever shouldnt you cool them down ?

my dad came rushing down the stairs and i only now noticed that it was in the middle of the night
,, whats wrong ?" he asked with one eye open and the other closed because of the light .

,, hes burning up ! what should i do ? should we go to the hospital ? its not good when he gets sick his immune system and his heart and-"
,, ok ok calm down " he walked the last few steps down and got closer to us sitting down besides me as he reached his hand foreward and placed it onto his forehead to feel the temperatur himself .

,, lay the blankets back on him i'm getting a cloth and cold water " i swollowed nodding as i pulled the blankets back over him . watching his sleeping face.

he returned shortly after with a bowl of water and a soaked cloth in it which he pressed out and layed onto kyungsoos forehead ,he only cough tho making my heart beat faster in fear . i dont like it when he coughs it scares me that he might suffocate after the whole water in lungs shit .
,, how about we see how hes doing over the night and if hes not better by tomorrow we go to the hospital"

i nodded and he pattened my shoulder with a faint smile .

somebow i was scared to get kyungsoo to the hospital.
they already said he wouldnt last much longer with his heart and that was how long ago now .
despite that ,hes also gotten sick now which makes it even worse

i'm scared that they'll tell me that 
i'll lose him .

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god i feel so warm ... too warm why is it so hot ..

feeling quite lost and almost as if i was flying i opened my eyes slowly

i almost shrugg back instandly when my whole vision shock and i felt so drowsy but that didnt make me not notice how jongins sleeping face was besides me and he was almost sleeping on my hand while he was holding it between us .

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