Chapter 68 : Who's to pay

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he coughed as i moved closer to the bed with a piece of cake in my hands .

i placed the plate onto his lap and he smiled thankfully

,, i fought like a true knight to get the last piece just for you ofcorse " i kissed his nose shortly and he giggled clearing his throat

,, thank you " i still bearly get to hear his voice being above a whisper.
,, and dont worry , you are my knight "

hes too sweet and cute for his own good .

,, you know, i had a dream last night and ..i realy liked it .. " he continued with his beautiful smile as he looked up at me while eating pieces of the cake.
him not having a nightmare was a big deal to ghe both of us and i was glad whenever he used to tell me that he got an acual dream that didnt make him wake up in tears or fear .

,, what was it about ?"

he inhaled i guess to ge ready and tell me the story ,, soo ..
we were on a journey .. to a big big castle because we needed to save the princess "

,, let me guess " i laughed already knowing who the princess was

,, hye" we both spoke before laughing lighlty and i held him closer to myself as we leaned back and he still ate the cake as he continued

,, so we first went through a forest with a lot of animals .. but mostly monkeys and they kept trying to stop us and steal our things so we ended up running through them. it was funny even tho we were panicing and everything .
it reminded me of the time when you fell and i almost puked my pills up because i couldnt swollow them" he laughed and i closed my eyes taking a deep breath .
that acually scared me. but i have to admit that jumping and yelling around while splashing water over his face wasnt exacly the smartest thing to do ..

" anyway after we were in the forest for a while. we got lost " he then continued ,, but there was this woman a fairy or a queen with a lot alot of butterflies around her it was crazy " he spoke so full of wonder as if his dream had been a real happening or as if he was still in the dream
,, she guided us the way and we got to some guy who made us eat the most disgusting things so that we could ride on the horses that belonged to him .

it was acaully crazy because we were soo fast and all and we were getting shot at by i dont even know who and we lost the horses. our only way to continue was through a path or rain and it was so cold ..
b-but " he blushed looking more down ,, you were warm .. "

i chuckled nuzzling his hair ,, and what hapened then ?"

,, we reached the castle and saved princess hye , she let us live with her and .. " there was another thing he wanted to say but didnt and i had a feeling what it was . i felt happy that he dreamed of something like this yet i felt heartbroken and sad thinking of the reality .

,, i like that dream "i whisperd to him and he snuggled closer to me
causing me to lift him up and lay on my chest minding the tubes and the plate with cake .

he sighed as he leaned against me with us both now being in a half sitting position .

and before i could open my mouth we both heard a knock on the door

,, hey my little poupsies " baekhyun carefully peaked through the door and we both chuckled at him

,, sweety please " chanyeol whisper scolded at him as they now enterd with 2 balloons .

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