Chapter 8 : Everyone

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arriving at the diner made me feel even worse since my stepdad was already standing inside .talking to yixing who was probably trying to distract him

,, fuck .." i cursed scaredly .and baek gave me that look that proofed he didnt know what to do .
i'm realy realy realy scared i dont want another punishment the bruises havent healed yet so i'm not ready.

,, kyungie .. calm down . and follow me " i didnt realize that my breath was totally uneven until he snapped me out of it and i blinked the tears away quickly following him.

as we ran around the diner to the backdoor climbing into the window we sneaked around in the back .
,, i'll help yixing distract him change quieck " he whisperd and i nodded grabbing my clothes and starting to change in the changing room as baek left to talk more with yixing and my step dad .

as quieckly as i could i removed the gel out of my hair watching them fall onto my forehead again . with a sigh i turned around in the room searching for my glasses .

,, hello " i greeted as i finally stepped out of the kitchen freeing the both of my friends from the conversation .

,, kyungsoo .. you're here " he seemed suspicious yet annoyed .

,, y-yes .. why wouldnt i be "
quit being nervous .its ok just breath .

when he didnt say anything else and just examed me having the light chuckle that made me want to puke .i realized that it was over .

the ball was over the one night was over and the moment with jongin was over .i could still feel his lips against mine and it made me light up inside .altho i know that it realy was over .
and i'm now back to reality .


weeks have passed and it realy went the way it was before ...just one difference .i kept dreaming about jongin .. more than before. just when i thought i was on my way on forgetting about him .
that happened .

i literly thought about what happened and him whenever i could .i wonderd if he had forgotten about it already , since yoona keeps her hands on him all the time ... aswell as that krystal girl .they still come to the diner after their dance lessons nearby .

only once i heard him talk about that guy . he only talked once about me and it was when yoona wasnt there to annoy it was just him and chanyeol .he said he wanted to find me but that was so long ago and he didnt ask anyone if they might know who i am .nothing i've seen, looked like he was acually searching .maby he just moved on .he also talked about his job that he got fired and was now searching for a new one .

and about the kiss .. i thought it was special or something because it felt amazing .but i knew him from watching and hearing like a freak so i fell in love that way .but he didnt know me , for him it was like he met me the first time there . so he technically kissed a stranger without realy having problems with it .

so was it even that special?

,, kyungie is spacing out again " baek made me smile and return to the diner table .he didnt look too amused tho .

,, i'm not i'm just tired " oh yeah my cold was now finally gone so.. i can handle working harder more isnt that great ? my back was also much better there were only faint blue marks left .

,, when did you sleep?" that was my next problem .
i know sleeping only 2-3 hours everyday and on weekend mostly not .isnt normal or healthy but the work i do just takes so long especially with the washing mashine broken. and now that i cant keep jongin out of my head .just makes it even harder to catch some sleep .so ..

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