Chapter 39 : Roar

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ok i'm not sure about this part .
if its too cringy tell me honestly .
because i realy dont know how to feel about this.
a part of me is like
"are you serious ?"
and the other is like
"thats what i wanted it to look like "

yes the voices in my head are still there thank you :) anyway
enjoy ❤

btw it may be confusing becaus ei started switching the pov since last chapter i think .
so this means whent he pov between jongin and kyungsoo switches .

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,, thats weird " chanyeol frowmed as we sat on the bench .

,, yes.. " i exhaled playing with the red heart in my hands ,, i dont believe him tho .. there was something weirder and weird about this "

chanyeol at first stayed quiet so i looked over to him seeing him look right back onto me aswell now ,, well but what he said did make sense in a way "

instandly i shot him a glare at that and he sighed getting closer to me.
,, what if he realy just wanted to start a new life because of all that had happened here and to him .."

,, chanyeol .. he's sick and pretty much thinks about this in a hopeless way .. he was depressed, he wouldn't have just left. especially not after we were so ..

everything! seemed good for once!"
,, dont get at me like that ok ! its not my fault i'm just saying ...
i mean he sufferd a lot and he left the heart after all so .."

i sighed at chanyeols explaination. mainly because it was logical yet it wasnt . we loved each other .he wouldnt just leave like that .
right ? and what about that blue eye of yixing ? i dont believe he got that from a door .

something happened i'm sure of it and if the police cant fucking do anything then i'm going to .yixing is hiding something and i bet it has something to do with kyungsoo .he was literly trying to avoid the topic of him being missing when we all talked so there has to be at least something he knows.

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,, honey "

i slowly opened my eyes seeing yixing in front of me with a glass in his hands and i knew it was my medicine. i cleard my throat and sat up as i got the glass with two shaking hands .

i swollowed the bitter water mixed with medicine and yixing
took the cup from my hands again as he gave me a kiss to my forehead before pressing his lips to mine .and i didnt bother pushing him back neither kissing him back as i just blankly stared at the other end of the room .

,, have you thought about it ? can you tell me where the neckless is?its realy important" i shock my head mainly because i still dont even know what neckless he meant. he kept asking me about it but i realy dont know

,, kyungie .. you know that i love you right " he got realy closer again kissing the coners of my lips but i didnt react and just let him do as he pleases . he cupped my face .,, we need that neckless or else we cant be together do you get that honey "

my eyes met his at that .
he will leave me too ? i dont know that neckless i dont know what he means or where it is . i dont want to be alone .
i want him to still love me .

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