Chapter 33 : Good enough

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,, yah !! what are you doing? "

my eyes fell onto the old men standing there . he blinked a few times once he saw me .

,, i- i em .. well " i let the bottle fall i had found

------------------------------------------------------[ dont know if thats everywehere like this,sorry
but if you buy a bottle and bring it back for recycling you get like a bit money back  not much tho but if you collect a lot of bottles and bring them back then you could acually get enough money to buy stuff kyungsoo however is collecting those bottles fromt he street ]

i held tighter onto the trashbag with bottles and was about to turn the other way and start running but the men grabbed my shoulder janking me back and my bag fell all the bottles scatter around the floor .

quickly i pushed him away and tried to collect them before they roll down the streets. but that stupid idiot stoped me again

,, let me go !" i yelled struggling as he held the back of my pullover .

he chuckled once more and let me go causing me to fall forewards i just kinda froze at his chuckle finding it somehow familiar .

,, you're just as cute as you were in the diner " he spoke once he saw my eyes looking confused on him .

,, you were the guy who always sat on that table " i remember him that was that creepy freak who had that weird smirk and scary eyes .

,, well someones smart " he examed me wich was more than uncomfortable .,, you've changed .. lost youre glasses, cut you hair-"
,, em excuse me but .. what exacly do you want because i cant remember ever being friends with you .. i dont even know youre name"

he chuckled again but i didnt know what on earth he would find funny on what i said .

,, is it because you're emberessed since you somehow landed on the streets ?"

i was quiet at that .. what am i suppose to say ?

,, dont you have a mummy ? daddy taking care of you or was that dirty old diner thats now nothing more than ash all you had"

,, thats none of youre buisness " i spoke calmly hoping that he would notice that i didnt want this to esculate .

,, a guy like you shouldnt be on the streets .. especialy not if he has the looks that you have " ok nope i'm leaving this is too much. this seems straight cut out of a horror movie .. i do not intend to get raped or murderd .

i just turned away from him and grabbed my bag trying to rush off but he ofcorse held me back as he grabbed the bag . i instandly let go because fuck the bag.

thats when i ran away.


,, you ok ?" i definetly hear those 2 words a lot

,, yeah " i chuckled turning from the locker door to see jongin who just stoped besides me he probably came from his class .

he sighed once he saw my locker as he opened it and grabbed the cloth starting to scrubb on the words .

its been a while .. and i can say that it has changed . seems like i'm getting better somehow the cast on my foot is gone but they gave me like this special shoe still because my cast broke and i went too late to the doctor with it .now i have to wear this stupid ankle brace wich is quite painful and uncomfortable at times and jongin offers me to carry me all the time but the doctor had said that i needed to walk .so jongin just kinda holds my hand somehow comforting me .

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