Chapter 54 : Like happiness

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,, ok '' he spoke as he carried the little bag of mine out of the hospital 

i had mixed feelings tho because i was going to live with jongin and hye was coming too with his grandma along and i should be happy because that sounds like a new family life however .. i couldnt help but worry because of his dad.

his father hasnt shown up anymore appearently he took a few clothes but disppeard again which made him worry aswell because he didnt know where he was . but at least he knew that his father was still working so he cant be living on the streets . i told him to go and visit him at work but he said he didnt want to since his dad obviously doesnt want anything to do with him anymore.

but i didnt like it . i couldnt help but feel guilty, this started because i was with jongin all cuddly .. i knew his dad wasnt ok and especialy not with his son being gay and his wife dead . i should have thought of it and be more careful.

,, hey, stop worrying , you're gonna be fine '' jongin told me as he held my hand in the back of the car . Chanyeol and baekhyun were driving us as always arguing now and then in a funny way. 

i turned my head to look at jongin before i smiled softly . He kissed my forehead before i leaned more down to rest my head on his shoulder with a sigh interwining our fingers. 

i was going to be fine .


,, careful '' chanyeol chuckled when i almost tripped over a stair ,i wasnt realy used to walk stairs ,i only practised to walk foreward and backward but not like taking steps up a stair realy . To think about it when you step up a stair then one of your legs is carrying your whole weight for a moment .

,, you ok ?" whenever i almost slip or get exhausted everyone is on alarm and i dont know what to think of that , it makes me feel weak in a way yet i like the thought of someone caring . 

I nodded towards jongin who had asked me and was already on the door having his hand reached out for mine and i took his hand with a smile. 

,, so should we order something or ?" was the first Thing baekhyun decided to say when we enterd .

,, can you for once not think about food " jongin laughed ,which made me smile at him while he guided me to the couch at which i sat down and sighed . i hate that i always felt exhausted .. its getting on my nerfs

,, for once not think about food baek imitated him and when jongin gave him that empty expression chanyeol and i couldnt help but laugh .

,,well" jongin started again ,, since baek seems to be starving i'm gonna order something , what do you want "

i leaned back as he walked away and already felt ready to drift off .
baekhyun appeard at my side and my eyes went wide open again as he leaned his head onto my shoulder while chanyeol walked past us towards the kitchen where jongin was.

,, and how are you doing its been a while since we got the 'realy best ever ever friend in forever' talk " i turned my head and looked at him as he said that .

,, wh-at you w-wanna talk about ?"

his shoulders shrugg suspiciously and i blinked at him.

,, isnt it .. weird but amazing that we both ended with our crushes ?"

i looked towards the kitchen at that seeing how jongin walked annoyed out as chanyeol laughed , he was holding his phone in his hand and probably ordering but chanyeol was annoying him .

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