Chapter 53 : Your laughter

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he was here

he instandly got in front of me grabbing both of my hands as i looked down fighting my tears .

,,who "

i sniffed still looking down .until his hands reached up to cup my face and make me look at him by turning my hand by my jaw .

,,baby .. tell me, who was it?"

i grabbed the pencil i wanted to write but i was shaking so bad and i couldnt see through the tears that kept falling .

before i knew it jongin had already pulled me closer to cry against him once more .
,, 'm s-sca-rdd "

,, its ok .. dont worry i wont leave you again ok just calm down " he pattened my back and it made me sniff a few times because alltho he was comforting me so well i couldnt help but feel the urge to cut again .
but jongin cant see ,he'll be disappointed and hurt.

but i needed it so bad right now

,, i'm just gonna call chanyeol and tell him to bring food ok?"
i nodded as he backed up from the hug and i rubbed my now red eyes .

he took one hand of mine and i looked at him again as he already had his phone to his ear . he squeezed my hand and smiled which i returned . i'm glad he didnt push me to tell him who it was .


,, its pretty nasty when you think about it .. i mean they could have put worms in there and you wouldnt be able to tell the differen-"
,, sweetheart do me a favour and shut it " baek cut chanyeol off as he pointed his chopsticks warningly at him.

,, i was just sayin .. " he pouted and i giggled at them while sitting on jongins lap .

chanyeol had brought each one of us a box with chinese food . and he was talking about the vegetables he couldnt recognize .

,, i mean look at this !" he exclaimed holding a vegetable to everyones face .

,, t-thats a n-oddle " i shakingly spoke with a giggle and chanyeol just shock his head

,, thats a worm "

,, i swear to god i will turn you into a worm if you dont stop ruining my food !" baek once more exclaimed and jongin chuckled behind me .

,, you guys are like some kindergarden kids that-" he stopes talking once baek turned
to him .

,, oh sweetypie since when have you turned so dark " chanyeol moved closer with a smirk

,, since i'm hungry "
again they laughed at him and i wanted to laugh too but for some reason something stroke me again .. i havent even realy laughed yet and i already felt like i'm getting sad again ..

,, hey " jongin held my hand after i had just stared at the food .

you shouldnt eat remember ?
have you forgotten how fat you've gotten

,, you ok ?"
i look up at jongin before looking at the other 2 who were now looking worriedly at me aswell .

they were worried ..

because they cared

i smiled nodding and he stroke over my hand with his thumb
,, i remember kyungsoo being scary when he was hungry aswell it was cute "

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