Chapter 35 : Unsure

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{ pls read the A/N at the end

if your lazy and hate A/Ns pls try to read what I marked as Important }

getting up for school the next day was the worst. because i bearly slept the night and it made me kinda aggressiv for no reason .
i'm just a person who needs his sleep ok.

getting my things i got to the door and exit the house yawning a few times on my way to school .

i had work afterwards and i did not like it at all i think i'mma skip work for once .. wont be that bad right ? i'm an idiot .

,, jongin " chanyeol appeard by my side and i frowned angrily why does he look so .. fine .hes been drunk yesterday and all .

i grabbed his throat squeezing it and strangled him against the loc-
,, em hello ? " he questioned pulling me back to reality as he waved his hand in front of my face .

,, i'm not in the mood chanyeol"

,, is it because of me and baek being drunk yesterday?"

,, yes it is !! you're seriously such an idiot ! why would you do that !? cant you just for fucking once talk to me and tell me when something is wrong ! i'm so tired of guessing and finding out !" he blinked confused at me and i looked around seeing some glances at me
,, what !?" they continued walking and i shot chanyeol another death glare .

,, em whatever you just scolded me for made no sense .."

,, i know" i sighed rubbing my face what i said just kinda slipped out of me it was for kyungsoo not for him .,, have you seen kyungsoo ?" he shock his head and i started to walk .

until i reached my class room ignoring chanyeols talking and asking .

2 lessons i spend sleeping in the back .. well half sleeping i was staring out of the window and kinda day dreaming . the grass was a little frozen from the cold outside but it still looked beautiful .

and i couldnt help but imagen myself leaning against that tree with kyungsoo giggling in my arms . he could sit perfectly between my legs and lean against my chest while i play with his hair until he fal-

wait .. is that seungsoo ? my goofy smile faded as i straightend myself looking more awake out of the window to see seungsoo walking there kicking the grass lazily with his steps.

,, em excuse me may i use the bathroom??" i raised my hand waving it so that the teacher could see me .she nodded and i got up rushing out of the classroom .

i didnt hesitate when i headed out to confront seungsoo and he luckily was still walking there as i grabbed his shoulder and spun him around angrily .

shocked he looked at me backing off a little
,, what did you do !? where is he what happened !? is he ok ?? i swear to god if you fucking touched him again i will break youre ugly nose !!" i couldnt help myself and yelled at him like an an angry lion.

,, what ? what are you talking about ??" he was now shaking slightly but that didnt make me calm or stop for one bit .

,, kyungsoo .. he said he would ring yesterday but he didnt and i havent seen him all day ! " his face changed from terrified and confused to a frown.

,, i-i dont know what happened"

,, fuck you and youre lies ! "

,, i'm not lying !" he looked back at me only to look to the ground right after .

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