Chapter 27 : Who

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,, charge !"



,, keep youre eyes open !"



,, i shall teach you respect !"



,,look at me ok just look at me!"



,, trash "

they cant have it !

babysoo !

i love you !

dont leave me !

i told you to clean up !
kyungsoo! /where's my food !?
what did you do !? /
you're too late , where's my stuff ? /
i'm so sorry /it will get better /
what a freak / ey faggot, forgot something !? / i found this in her stuff !/ its youre fault/
i'm sick! /it was you !/ . i'm sorry /kyungsoo ! ./
keep it save / it doesnt belong to you ,its not yours ! /.give it to me . /no! ./ i want to be with you ! /.tell me whats wrong ./ are you ok ?./ come on kyungie./ why is youre life complicated?/let me know you .

babysoo .

a corn in 2 hands, dont forget .

,, i love you "

i finally jumped at the last words
looking around with a heavy breath i had a fastened beeping ringing in my right ear which somehow made me  panic even more . i wanted to stand up and leave . i started struggling pulling myself forcefuly up into sitting position but i just couldnt somethings holding me back and i dont know what it fucking was ! its all white and there're so many doors , light coming from somewhere on the other side and-

,, kyungsoo "

i exhaled piece by piece as i finanlly turned my head to the right . seeing why i couldnt get up.

jongin .. it was jongin .

i took a second .looking around the room .and just now i noticed that i hadnt even had my eyes full open .they were like half lidded and i didnt move far at all .i was still laying down only managing to move my head a little . jongin had managed to hold me still with one hand .

,, kyungsoo can you hear me ?"
my eyes landed back on him .

he hand a hand on my cheek and looked weirdly at me.. concerned even but i just blinked weakly at him . i felt tired again .and opening my mouth was the most exhausting thing i could do . but i did .after swollowing my own spitt painfully.

,, mh.. " is all i managed to say . i wanted to say his name call him or anything but the easiest sound i could make was humming.

,, sh.. its ok . just nodd or shake your head " his thumb carresed my cheekbone and
i bearly nodded .

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