Chapter 76 : Necklace

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,, jongin .. if you didnt donate youre heart for me

then who did ?" i asked and his frown dropped being replaced with ..
i dont even know how to explain it .
he looked sad but at the same time he didnt . he looked blank .

,, i knew you would eventually ask ... sometimes i wish it had been me but then i'm realy gratefully that it hasnt been me and i still get the chance to live with you "
he looked down and now he was definitly sad

,, its not baek nor chan right ?" i was quite scared to ask but reliefed when jongin shock his head .

he gently moved me foreward and got off the bed leaving me sitting there on he empty bed now . and when he walked around i felt the panic and fear of being taken again take over me .
,, jongin !" i crawled towards his direction whimpering at the pain and fear

,, baby , relax i'll be right back "

,, no " i reached mthand out to him scardly and he took it with both of his

,, calm down i swear i'm just going out to get my dads bag i'll be right back i promise " he assured me and i felt slightly calmer but i was still scared .

he gave me one last kiss to my forehead before he turned and headed out through the door .

i sniffd holding the blanket over my legs close to me as i moved back switching my looking between the window and the door . it was quiet and it scared me .
i wasnt only scared that yixing would walk in . i was scared that an unknown person would walk in . anyone would walk in and take me .
i dont think i would've handled a doctor or stranger walking into this room right now ,not when i'm alone .

it felt like houres until jongin  returned and i released a heavy sigh relaxing my muscels when he moved closer with a soft smile .

i spotted a box in his hands and frowned a little . why would he leave just to get a box and what does that have to do with my heart donater.

,,jongin .." i slwoly started when he plced the box into my lap .

,, he left this for you but yixing took you before anyone could give it to you "

my eyes turned back to the box .. why would my donater give me a box when he probably didnt even know me . its an anomyos right ? ..

when my hands went to open it jongin stopped them carefully
,, i just want you to know .. no matter what you'll find now  .. i'm still here for you . my dad is still here for you ,baek and chan are " he chuckled ,, and even hye "

i smiled back at him altho it was unsure because i was unsure i was confused and nervous aswell as scared when i slowly lifted the top ot the box to look inside .
not quite understanding it at first sight

but when i laid the top down besides me and jongin got onto the bed facing me as he sat beside my feet, i recognized the little book that was inside, smiling slightly when i read the title and looked onto the drawn couple underneath it .surrounded by a forest and a lot of flowers .

a corn in two hands

the book my mother used to read to me all the time because we both loved the story .

so i lifted the book out of the box looking over it and through a few pages . a few of them were a little burned and i instandly knew that it was hidden in the diner somewhere and only got damaged because it was burned down .. but if its still in one pice than it must've been in some wardrobe or coner hidden very well .

but when i turned it around i found dirty half burned letter stuck to it and i took a deep shaky breath removing it before i placed the book to my side
focusing on the letter

and giving jongin one last glance i opened it . it was old and kinda dusty on the edges colouring he paper a bit gray

but when i opened the paper i swear my heart stoped as i recognized the writing instandly.

tears overfilled my eyes almost immedianlty when i started reading through the paper .

dear kyungsoo,

or should i say babysoo♡
i bet you're smiling at this right now .

i chuckled losing tears at that before i removed them to continue .

i also bet that you may still have a lot of questions. and i'm not quite sure if i want to answer all of them .

if you're reading this then you may hate me or think i'm selfish for leaving you this early in youre life. but i honestly didnt know what else to do .

this neckless belonged to youre grandmother and she had it from her mother and so on .as you can see there are 8 diamons missing . thats because every generation uses one for their family .

i however didnt use any because i thought i didnt need it . i didnt use it because i wanted you to have it aswell i wanted to you have more .

unfortunatly havent i hidden this well enough. i got a bit careless and things started to get out of hand with people knowing about the neckless and wanting it so bad that they would do anything for it .

kyungsoo , i want you to use this 2 left diamonds wisely and only for your happiness dont let love betray you and dont trust youre stepfather . go away from him .leave him, as hard as it might be .i know you feel like you need him because youre father left you and i did aswell

but please babysoo, dont hate me. i love you so much. i promise i am watching over you. i'm by youre side .

i love you dont forget that please .

youre mummy

i was full out crying now when i laid the paper beside quieckly opening the package to the side in the box . to reveal a glimmering neckless with a lot of diamonds on it it was heavy when i picked it up but it was so beautiful . the 8 missing holes bearly noticable

it was beautiful, but i hated it so much

this was the true cause of all this.
a stupid neckless ..

i let the neckless lay back down  onto my lap as i just cried to myself .

seungsoo had given me his heart there was no doubt now .i hated him when i found out that he had found the neckless and ran away but now i wished he had run away . i didnt want it to be like this . i felt mad at myself at the neckless and my mum at the whole stupid univers .

jongin pulled me closer to him and i let go of the neckless clutching like a baby to his shirt .

i couldnt help but imagen that my mum was behind my back hugging me aswell .. i felt stupid that i couldnt help but imagen eujin was there too . and now even seungsoo .

i almost flinched when i then suddenly did feel another hand on my back and i opened my eyes a little to see sojoon stand there with a sad smile . the door opened and baek rushed in with chanyeol both having tired eyes when baek instandly broke with tears in his own eyes and he pulled me out of jongins and into his own arms when chanyeol also appeard hugging the both of us .

i knew i wasnt alone .
i had people who loved me even with all the loss and pain i went through .

i got a family out of it .
and this time i knew that this family would always stay by my side .

they would always stay loyal .

  - THE END - 

besides the epiloge ofcorse lol 😂

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