Chapter 24 : Help me

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the whole day i spent staring at nothing . i was wondering if seungsoo told a teacher that i did this to him or if he just left to tell stepdad what i did .but at the same time .. i didnt care anymore .

my thoughts were all around eunjin .all the things she did for me the smiles she spend and comforts . yes i do still remember how she gave me bread on mornings after punishments . how she hugged me when i cried or treated my wounds when i bleed or just had bruises .

and now i know that she even kept the pictures of ..
she kept them safe.

i glued the last picture of me and her into the last page of the book.
and after school i hide the book then in my locker since in the back down in the coner there was a little hole where i also kept the heart jongin gave me . the book was almost too big for the hole .

closing the locker i sniffed and walked towards the doors when baek came to me again .
with a smile .

,, kyungie " he sang and jumped towards me .

,, time to cut zaa hair"

,, and not my ears " i chuckled ..

fake .. fake here fake there . its everywhere isnt it .
but if i were honest to baek then he would ask me and be worried and concerned and bla bla .and thats the last thing i want now .


i went to baeks home and we did cut my hair .well he cut my hair i was anxious and we argued a while before i eventually agreed and let him .
he had cut it just obove my eyebrows and to be honest i kinda liked it .but to be honest again part of me didnt realy care .because eujin wasnt leaving my mind .i started imagining how she would look like where they layed her down at the moment and it was a creepy thought not creepy but a painful thought .
is it weird that i didnt want to see her lifeless body ? when i saw my mums body i .. i couldnt .

i dont know if i would be able to still continue this fucking life if i saw her body . remembering when i saw her laying in the hospital bed was hard enough..

,, so where's my thank you?" baek questioned as i spaced out again . i was sitting on the couch hiding my hands in my long sleeves while my hoodie was down tho .revealing my tired face .

,, thanks bacon " i smiled and his mum came out of the kitchen .

,, kyungsoo, would you like to stay for diner ?" i dont know .. would i? i mean my stepdad would be realy pissed right now and besides that. food was an important subject for me

,, i dont want to cause any-"
,, oh no dont worry it'll be fine " she chuckled making me smile

,, thank you "

baeks mum was a kind woman and i couldnt help but think about how it might be to live with her as a parent . baeks dad was living somewhere else so he was moving a lot .
on weekends he stayed with his dad and for school with his mum .


after i ate and talked, even laughed with them i got on my way back home

she asked me if i wanted her to drive me but i said no . i wanted to walk i needed to take my medicine anyway . doing that in front of her was weird  what will she think of me .

besides that , i could take them before entering my house .knowing my 'family' they were probably waiting for me to start the punishment and with .. all that happened with eujin ..
i dont know how it will end .

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