Chapter 52 : Here with you

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,, she was a good cook , she liked baking and we did that a lot .. even tho i realy realy suck at it " he chuckled by the end of his sentense and i returned it with a small giggle as i played with his finger .

i was sitting on his lap but facing his chest and leaning my cheek agaisnt his shoulder while i listened to him talk to me .

,, i havent realy seen or talked to her in forever because of that shit .. and ofcorse i missed her but i never realy missed her this much ..but now knowing that its official that shes dead, i'm missing her to death ."
he sighed heavily and i leaned back to look at his teary eyes .

i smiled holding his cheek as if to say that i am still here .

,, i-i've missed y-you t-too..
so m-much it hu-urt " i whispered trying my hardest with my shaky voice that i havent used for too long.

I coudlnt hold back and placed a soft and short kiss to his lips .before he pulled me closer again . Muttering a me too.

,, ok when this whole bullshit is over .. when you're allowed to go out of the hospital again . i will definitly ,finally after a thousend years take you out on a date " i laughed shortly at that because thinking of it . we realy never had a date because so much shit has happened 

,, i w-wann-a go w-with hye too so-me ti-me " i cleard my throat

a chuckled left his lips
,, ofcorse"  he tightened his hold around my waist making me giggle as he turned us so i was now laying on my back with him on top of me. he gave me a kiss to my nose before he slowly moved to my lips and i closed my eyes with him deepening it .

my hands traveled from his shoulders up to his cheeks as he titled his head lighlty sucking on my bottomlip before he retreated and burried his face in my neck with a sigh . i was glad he didnt move further tho because i felt like i wasnt ready for that yet and i'm kinda tired .

,, you wanna watch a movie again?" he sat up and i did aswell nodding excited .

turning around he looked for the tv but it was an old one .those you had to push around and it wasnt in my room .

,, jongnn "  i spoke quietly because i still had trouble with my voice and he looked back at me.

,, should have brought my laptop shouldnt i ?" he bit his lip . but i only smiled tapping on his hand to look at me as i motioned a phone with my hands .

he understood and got up from the bed grabbing onto the table to get his phone and headphones .but before he could even get back into the bed i whined loud enoiugh for him to hear .

his eyes landed on mine and i pointed onto the teddy bear and chocolates on the table . he chuckled grabbing both and returning to the bed . i instandly took the teddy bear in my arms . it was realy plushy and it looked cute. it was about as tall as me from my torso to my head .maby a little more . but it wasnt fat it was just soft and easy to hold .

jongin got onto the bed more and i instandly got closer to him as he then pulled me onto his lap leaning back .his knees where raised besides both of my legs and he leaned the phone against them handing me one headphone while keeping the other .

,, what do you wanna Watch ?"

i thought for a second. not realy knowing what movie since the only movie i have ever saw and  could remember was 'frozen'
so i shrugg my shoulder .

is it weird that i want to watch a child movie like a cartoon or something . in the past i wouldnt but i felt like it .the thought of cartoons kinda makes me feel like there werent any problems .
it makes me postive .

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