Chapter 74 : Lovers in a Fire

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my eyes opened slowly when i smelled smoke i blinked a few times seeing smoke i insyandly rose finding myself in a bed and flames and smoke around me i looked to my side to see yixin layin there unconscious in the same bed as i .

with widened eyes i wanted to stand up and get out of bed . but my hand was tied to yixing by a band or something and i pulled in panic when i found the flames getting more and more along with the smoke . i started coughing looking around to find something to cut the band
,, JONGIN !"

i prayed that jongin was already outside but he couldnt be . he would be searching me if he was . he would be calling me . he must be in the kitchen still .
,, jongin !" i quieckly climbed over yixing pulling him off the bed and onto the ground my arms where under his as i pulled him with all my strenght out of the room . avoiding the fire when i pulled him with me along the hall to reach the door .
,, Jongin !" i kept calling hoping he would appearoutof nowhere and get out aswell or be outside running to me and telling me how worried he was again .
,, jongin !"

i finally made it through the door coughing and panting i could bearly breath because the screaming had caused me to inhale so much smoke it was making me dizzy .

and jongin wasnt outside either i quieckly looked onto the band pulling and ripping on it as i cough trying to breath in between but still.looking inside to see if jongin was coming or not.
,, jon-" i couldnt even finish when my coughing cut me off and i swear i could feel fhe little food remaining in my stomach comming up again

i have to get inside . i cant leave jongin . so i pulled harder making my skin turn red when i tried biting it off or anything but nothing helped so i found myself rubbing the band against the rough and uneven wall rubbing my skin open when i did so but i couldnt care less because i felt the band slowly ripping and i rubbed faster . until it was bearly together so that i could rip it apart .

removing it ,i instandly ran back inside towards the kitchen still stumbling when i flinched as i heard the ceiling cracking or something and a few things fell over, the fire was just getting more and higher .
,, jongin!" i cough running into the kitchen i saw jongin tied to the oven . flames all around him and i didnt know how to get to him.

so i just closed my eyes and quieckly ran through it crying out when it burned my bare feet and legs .
tears sprang in my eyes when i fell back down just besides jongin but  i just pushed the pain back crawling over to jongin as i reached for his face turning it to look at him . only to find bruises and cuts .
,, jongin " i felt more tears in my eyes again when i shock his head gently
,, jongin wake up !"

but he wasnt waking up and i layed my head onto his chest hearing his slow heartbeat that made me exhale in a little relief before i found myself gasping for air again coughing when i look at the bands that were on his wrist tying him to the oven handle .

i stood up and rushed to the drawers wanting to pull them out when i forgot that yixing locked them to not let me get any knife and i groaned in frustration looking around but all i could see was the fire ..

fire . i quieckly searched for something that would burn and i could hold but i couldn find anything the kitchen was always so empty so i just decided to take a bit of my pullover but i cant ripp it off i'm too weak to ripp a piece of this fat pullover off . so i just held the end into the fire making it burn and my heart was racing when i got back to jongin
,, i'm sorry .. " i cough out when the fire ended up burning his hand aswell causin me to panic even more when not only he got burned but the fire was burning up my pullover aswell and the band was still not ripp apart .

but then finally after the fire had reached my hip on the side i could stop it and ripp jongins band off . him falling to the side and into me i steadied him . coughing through the smoke that was almost blinding me .

i pushed his jeans into his boots and the sleeves of his jacket over his hands along with his hoodie over his head as i started pulling him with me . through the fire . looking up to take wheezed breaths when it burned my legs and feet but i was almost there on the door.

and finally after what seemed like forever .we made it through the door . and i collapsed onto the ground gasping for air my feet were hurting so bad and they were red . some spots smoking slightly like the sides of my knees and my left shin along with both of the bottoms of my feet . and me bearly getting air into my lungs wasnt helping .

i winced getting to jongin and putting the fire on his jeans and jacket out . his cheek was slightly burned too and on the back of his right tigh was a whole from the fire ,his skin being red under it .

but those were all minor damage right now most importanldy was that he was alive .so i quieckly pulled his hoodie down looking onto his motionless face . i moved closer to hear his breathing .but there was none i started coughing myself feeling frustrated because it was taking time .
before i laid my head onto his chest aswell to found no heartbeat and i felt like crying as i folded my hands onto his chest starting to pump while i tried to regain my own breath

,, d-dont you dare do t-this now "
i cough out losing tears when there still was no heratbeat after i connected his lips with mine giving him air before i pumped again . my vision spinning and i took wheezed speed up breaths myself but i cant give up now .

and after the thrid time he finally reponded coughing himself slightly getting up and i closed my eyes laying my head onto his chest in exhaustion as i still took wheezed breath coighing in between
,, j-ong-in "

his hand landed on my arm and i only noticed now that there was a whole just before my armpit and my skin was burned probably from when i tried to burn jongins bands away .

so i grabbed his hand instead interwinning it when i felt his chest heave and lower to take breaths .

i smiled .

gathering all my strenght to get up again just to look at him as i cupped his face to kiss his forehead because we both needed to get air still .
he grabbed my hands and i stared into his eyes .
,, i'm s-so-rry "

he only shock his head and i was too exhausted . i just slowly layed down besides him not letting go of his hand as our breathing slowly calmed and he turned to me . making me sigh in content when his free
hand landed on my cheek .

i guess he wanted to say something but couldnt because he ended up coughing right after so i just moved closer when his hand landed on my cheek again and he layed his forehead  onto the crown of my head .

and withghe feeling of his hand squeezing mine and his body being so close to me i just let myself drift off to sleep .

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