Chapter 36 : Gone

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it has been days ..

i think a little more than a week which means that now the holidays are here .

not a day not an houre a minute or a second has past when i didnt think about jongin .

i missed him .. i realy did .. whenever i fell asleep and believe me when i say i fall asleep a lot .
i would dream of him .

here in the basement its cold and dark and it was making me sick . the chains around my bare feet and around my wrist were making me sick .

the cold floor was making me sick my illness was making me sick and i wonderd when my time finally came so i could escape this hell .even my stepfather and
past-seungsoo were better than this .

i clutched jongins heart tighter to my chest as my body pained from every movement and the tears as always just streamed down my face . i dont want anymore .

,, honey .. dont cry " a hand suddenly carresed my cheek and i instandly shrugg back crying harder as i knew who the hand belonged to .
,, hey now dont be sad ok i cant take seeing you this sad " he got down kissing my forehead and i squeezed the heart while i cried.

he pulled me up into his arms hugging me but i started struggling around and pushed him away .

his faced angerd and he got back to me slapping me hard across my face. i fell to the side and instandly crawled towards the coner as i started coughing roughly having trouble to breath my arms give in before i had even reached the coner .

he lifted me up again holding the inhaler to my mouth but i refused to breath i didnt want to .
,, FUCKING BREATH !!" he yelled at me and more tears streamed down as i finally inhaled through the inhaler .

i suddenly felt a lot more weaker .
as i found no more strenght to fight him back now.

,, why cant you love me the way i love you?! " i heard him yell and curse and he shock me angrily in his arms but i didnt dare make a move and just drifted off to sleep .

love was just something that fucked people up .. wasnt it .

wasnt love suppose to be a beautiful thing ? all it brought me was suffering .
it betrayed my mum

and yixing too .


,, so you've thought about it " he smirked as i walked closer .

,, what is this job about ?" i carefully asked and he stepped closer with a smirk .

,, i cant explain .. but follow me"
he started walking but i didnt follow .

,, i'm not stupid .. tell me first whats going to happen"
he laughed shortly at that and i kinda shifted away from him .

,, all you have to do is clean the place my friend lives in "

,, and why the hell is that hard to explain ?"

,, because its a messy flat "

i looked at him not sure if i should believe him or not .
,, why me ? why not anyone else ?"

,,you ask a lot of question little guy " he looked over me .
,, because he wanted you, "

,, but why ?"

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