Chapter 1 : Wise Words

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good day everyone .
i am a human creature that goes by the name do kyungsoo .
just kyungsoo is fine tho .
theres also kyungie or satansoo altho they dont call me that last one anymore.

but then theres also shorty, freaksoo and kyunghoe . well i'm sure there are even more names but i dont have time to read all the papers that get thrown into my locker .

,, kyungie !"  a familiar voice echoed throughout the school halls .for once i was glad that everyone was too busy with talking and sticking their heads into their phones

,, what ?" i turned to look at baekhyun ,who was now apple red making me feel slightly worried as i brought the back of my hand up and layed it against his forehead .
,, are you ok ?"

,, yah .. yahhh !!" he screamed in his girly voice wich only meant
,, chanyeol .." breathing out dreamingly he glanced into the distance and i couldnt help but chuckle at that .

,, what happened now ? "

,, he accidently had my book packed into his bag and returned it today ,but kyungie kyungie " he held me on my shoulders and started shaking me ,, i had notes in my book .. well not notes to be honest. those were drawings and he said that they were amazing .he also said we should meet there eeehh !"

i chuckled at his fanboying and adjusted my bag on my back as i started walking to my first class .
,, so what does there mean ?"

he exhaled probably annoyed at my lack of knowledge .well excuse me if i am not a dating expert.

,, obivasly he meant the ball duh "

i didnt exacly know how that was suppose to be obivas but just the mentioning ot the ball made me annoyed again

,, thats why you should go too " he giggled .

since weeks baekhyun has annoyed me with that stupid ball and i couldnt wait until its finally over since its next weekend .
,, and why should i ?" i remained unimpressed .

he took another breath causing me to just roll my eyes .
,, because its a masquerade ball wich means they wont know who you are or what popularity status you have .everyone will just be-"
,, prince and princess ya ya you say that everyday just give me a break "

i stoped as i reached the door to my classroom .and he stoped in front of me sighing .
this stupid ball was realy going on my nerves just because the theater group somehow manages to convince the headteacher that that was good for the sociality of the school and since they were doing it all anyway, the head teacher agreed ofcorse .

,, jongin will be there too " he winked and my expression turned to disgusted .why would i care ?

as if he could read my mind baekhyun pattend my head and spoke ,, i know you've been staring at him lately .. you know at the games and when he would walk pass us-"
,, i only stared at him because he was one of the best players and when he would walk past us , so many people follow him i cant help but look at the crowd! " i defended a little too loud since a few heads turn towards us . i hate that the topic : kim jongin
always makes me angry .

,, besides .. h-he doesnt even know i exist " i mutterd quietly ,more to myself than to baekhyun .

but judging by the sigh that left his mouth , he had heard .
and by the look on his face he was getting ready to have a wisely choosed answer .but he never got the chance to tell me because the teacher then walked in and i had no other choice then to also go .
,, we'll not continue this after the class " i smiled ,, see you at the diner "

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