Chapter 71 : How much can you take ?

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[ warning : it was a tough chapter to write and I imagen to read aswell. Its disgusting/disturbing. I literly developed anger and cried. I had to rewrite it aswell cause it was too much but I felt like I cant go too easy on it when it was something that very much has happened in a similar way. I dont like sugarcoating something so disgusting.

Read in caution! ]

[ If your sensitive or unsure you can also skip the chapter it's all about yixing successfully breaking kyungsoo]


,, ah ! "
another hit

and another and another .

i was sweating and shaking because of the pain my whole body was in as i bearly managed to look over to yixing sitting on a chair and drinking his drink .

i'm thirstly too .
my eyes squeezed shut again as he hit my back once more. the sound of the woodenspoon meeting my already torn apart skin on my back was makig it even worse, it was disgusting .

on morning and at night somtimes even between.
i've been here no longer than a week and everyday was the same.
they would give me food when i admit that i'm trash and only belong to yixing.
when i admit that i loved him

but one thing i never admited and i know i never will
i dont hate jongin
i could never.

so they beat me more and more . it feels like its getting more with everyday that passes .

the past punishments from my stepdad were maby 3-4 times in 2 weeks or so but here, its everyday .

,, do you want some water honey " yixing got closer to me with the drink in his hand and i took some ragged breaths staring at him as the hitting stopped for now but i could bearly moved.
,, oh you dont ?"

i whimperd instandly trying to reach my hand out for the drink .
but he moved his away chuckling to himself which caused more tears to  fill my eyes .
,, who do you love the most "

jongin .

he grabbed me by my jaw on each side with his index finger and thumb forcefully turning me into his direction
,, who . do . you . love . the . most ?"
i'm sorry ..
i'm so sorry jongin but my throat is so dry it already hurts when i swollow .

,, y-yixing "

,, good boy " he lifted the glass and i turned my head to look up as he let the water pour down and i opened my mouth to drink it the best and most i could .

but it wasnt nearly enough .most of it just landed on the ground. but i was so thirsty. i didnt even feel ashamed when i got back to the ground and tried to drink out of the little pool .
i'm so pathetic .

,,na na honey.. come on thats dirty" 
he lifted my face with his fingers under my chin and pressed kisses onto my lips when my stepdad hit
my back again and i screamed partening from yixings lips as he just trailed kisses down my jaw and neck .

i would call it cruel and no doupd it was . it was sick . they were sick ,crazy .but its all because of stupid love .
i hated love so much .

it killed jongin and it changed people. maby thats what i'm doing wrong .
maby i just need to change like everyone else to be at peace .

i felt my stepdad getting off of my back and i released heavy breaths blinking now and then when the tears kept rolling down my nose to land on the ground underneath me while yixing had his hand on my cheek .
,, you did great honey " he kissed my temple and i could see my stepdad standing behind yixing . its the first time i made eye contact with him .

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