Chapter 10 : Heart

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a few days have past like these .
yes i have been talking to jongin in the bathroom .
at first i was still a little awkward but after some time we started talking a lot a lot giving both of us a lot of information for that short time .ofcorse i wouldnt give him any information about my life .the only thing he knew was that my mum is gone .

he told me that his mum was sick
so it just kinda slipped out . i tried comforting him as good as i could. because he feard for her to suddendly collapse and die or soemthing and i could relate to that feeling .. even tho my mum wasnt exacly "sick" she just tried to comitt suicide a lot of times and i also had to fear for her to suddenly just die ..

i also learned that he had a brother who lived in his own flat away and a sister whos been taken care of by a nanny at home wich is why he was working to help his dad pay all of it

he doesnt like his friends and says that the only ones he likes are chanyeol, baek and sehun .. yeah baek now belongs to their group .
i told him to not do things he doesnt want to do .. like drugs and shit .i know its sounds like i'm mothering him but i know yoona and those assholes they always try to be as cool as possible and i dont want jongin to be involed in some crime just because he thought he needed to follow them .

he had a lot of problems himself acually .with a sick mum and an always working dad . and friends he has to fake himself ..
doesnt sound like paradise .

ofcorse we didnt only talk about problems and shit .we somtimes played games yes ... how crazy was that 2 idiots playing thinking and cards in the bathroom. he also gave me food on some days since my stomach couldnt calm down .we acually laughed a lot and i felt like i was madly in love with him now .it was the little things that made me love him .

like when he was concerned over my coughing or my cold hands.
when he always asked me if i was ok after that day i broke down .
when he holds my hands ..

but on other times we would just sit there holding hands and enjoying being with each other .and how emberessing that was .. i even fell asleep for once . as i leaned my head against the door imagening that it was his shoulder as i knew he was also leaning against it from the other side .i woke up to him stroking over my hand.

i know its weird to say that .but
i felt happy. because i could look foreward to something .i could look foreward to jongin .


,, have you heard of that one movie ?" jongin asked me from the other side of the cabinet .

,, that one movie .. does it have a name maby ?" i chuckled and he did aswell .

,, its called disturbia " hes not serious is he

,, if its a horror movie .. then go away "
he just laughed at that .

,, shut up its not a horror movie ... or at least its not a scary one " he spoke as if he wasnt sure himself .

,, you say that about every horror movie " i rolled my eyes and he stroke over my hand again .

,,but i'm serious .. about this one .. its acually a good movie and someday i want to watch it with you "

i stayed quiet at that .it was that topic again .
,, i dont survive horror movies tho"

i could practically feel how his head leaned back .
,, i want to be with you "

it was good while it lasted .
,, its amazing that we can talk finally and get to know each other more. but i feel like we are only talking about me .. i dont even know youre name neither youre looks"

,, i'm ugly .. you dont want to see" i turned my head the other way

,, the guy i saw at the ball was beautiful " i heard him sit up .

,, i had a mask jongin " i dont know why i laughed at that .probably trying to make my point .

he sighed on the other side
and i felt bad again .but it wasnt that easy i mean i would love to see him looking at me too .and not just me sitting on the coner of the lockers to watch him leave his class . but i dont want to loose him. he may say that he wont leave me all the time but what if he does .i dont want to loose this .

,, i lost my job again " he said probably to change the subject .

,, do you still have the hanger ?"i asked knowing now what to say .

,, yeah " he seemed down .

,, hold onto it ok .. it gonna watch youre moves. i want you to go to the next cafe and tell them who you are and what you want .no turning back no doubs and no saying no ." i joked wich seemed to work as he laughed slightly .,, just act like you already have the job .. i mean hello you're kim jongin nothing gets you down especially not some stupid fired sign " i acted completly rediculous and it was probably emberessing but i didnt care as long as jongin smiled on the other side .. that was enough.

,, thanks " he still chuckled a little and i smiled feeling his hand again .

i moved my hands away from his when i suddenldy felt so dizzy that i had to hold my head ..
its been getting worse i know .
something is wrong with me and i dont know what it is .

,, hey .. you ok ? hello ?" i blinked a few times swollowing as i inhaled and exhaled to calm down
,, hey stop .its not funny whats wrong ?"

,, nothing i'm just a little sick .."
i leaned against the door suddendly feeling realy tired .

,, dont you think you've been sick for too long "

,,its just a cold dont worry " as much as i liked the feeling of him worrying about me ... it also made me feel bad. yeah i've been feeling bad a lot lately .i grabbed his hand to stop my negative thoughts again . when his second hand appeard
,, youre hands are so cold you know that "

i smiled sadly at his statement
,, yeah ,i get that a lot "

his hand retreated again only to appear once more on mine, i blinked as i felt something inside of his newly appeard hand .

,, i want you to have this " he spoke and moved his hand away from mine after he placed a little heart in it .. i smiled at it .

,, dont tell me its youre heart " we both laughed at that

,, you gave me youre hanger for luck so i want you to have thi from me to show you that you arent alone never ok .... i want you to keep it safe and when the day comes -"
,, i'll give it back to proof that i kept it safe " i finished for him not having to see him to know that he was smiling now too .
,, thanks"

just when i was about to say something again . the worst sound on earth cut me off .


i groaned, the time is over again and now its friday wich means that i wont get to talk to him on the weekend.

,, well guess its time to go "
hes voice was so low and quiet i could tell that i wasnt the only one who didnt want to go partened ways .

,, yeah .. " i couldnt do anything than agree at the moment everyday . he gave my hand another squeeze before letting it go ,, bye .." i heard his steps getting quieter

,, bye " and eventually the door closed .leaving me alone in the bathroom .

i remained sitting for a moment .not just because i still felt kinda sleepy but also because i just needed a moment .

when i stood up and left the bathroom i heard a shifting in the back or at least i thought i did .
but when i stoped before exiting .. i didnt hear anything anymore just the silents .does that mean i'm hallucinating now too? great .. just great .

but thats not the priority .. my mind was still upon the little red heart i held tightly in my hand .

no matter what happens i will take good care of it.

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