Chapter 32 : I admire you

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,, kyungsoo .." i gently shock his shoulder as the teacher said that we were almost there .removing baeks scarf and laying it aside .i noticed that he finally shifted before sitting up right as he stretched himself blinking to look at me .

,, what happened ?" he asked me and i chuckled .

,, we arrived "

he frowned looking around the bus ,, where ?"

,, to the waterfalls remeber ? the trip " he still looked confused but it didnt confuse or surprise me anymore .because that was a side effect of his new pills .and after sleeping he would still be confused sometimes . in the hospital that happened quite a lot .

,, oh yeah right .. " he smiled faking his remembering .

i returned his smile weakly and he leaned foreward kissing me shortly as he stood up taking his little bag that belonged to the nasual cannula .and swinging it onto his bag .

i got out of my seat aswell ,reaching up to grabb his crutches wich i held and waited until he got out of the seatbank, i helped him tho as i held his hand with one of mine while the other hand had still his crutches .

i continued helping him walk until we got out of the bus and i handed him the crutches .

a shiver ran through me as we made it out .. it was acually pretty .. fresh ? here and when i looked at kyungsoo he smirked teasingly at me .

,, well i have a jacket on " acting like a diva he limped foreward with his crutches . i only rolled my eyes as i quieckly followed him .

the teacher counted us all and gave each of us a map for the area.

,, its acually pretty big here.. " i
mutterd to myself but kyungsoo must have heard it too as he glanced at his map now aswell .

,, so everyone .. this is mr.burtan he's going to lead us so stick together . get yourself a partner to hold youre hand if you're not capable of doing so whatever i dont care just dont get away i do not want to search any of you " she announced before that guy mr.burtan started talking some boring stuff about how the waterfalls were created and bla bla bla .

after what felt like half an houre he finally stoped talking and we started walking up to acually get to the waterfalls .

they all walked rather rushed but me and kyungsoo stayed behind because he wasnt able to be that fast with the uneven ground .

i didnt mind tho because whatever the hell they were talking about .. i didnt care

at one point his left crutch slipped and he almost fell foreward but i was quieck to react as i stepped in front of him catching him in my chest .
,,careful " i chuckled but he kinda panted 

,, this stupid , fucking piece of-"
,, hey hey there calm down nothing happened i got you " i frowned because he looked realy angry as he pulled back and grabbed his crutches tighter .catching his breath.

,, its not that.. look we are too slow they are leaving without us !" he said frustrated but i only smiled softly .

,, so ? who cares.. " i smiled at him and he thank god , returned it even if it was weakly .
,, how about we just sit down and wait for them to come back" i started leading him to the side where rocks were standing around at which we could sit down .sure we could just return to the bus but we walked a little and kyungsoo seemed exhausted i didnt want to walk all the way back now .

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