Chapter 19 : I know

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the whole day we had spend like yesterday or earlier hadnt happened at all .we laughed and played with hye .i made sure that we only played not too exhausting games because i still had his desease in my mind .

the cake was a good thing aswell. i was panicing again because we didnt decorate it but when we got it out it was decorated so i guess he must have made it when i picket hye up from school .

she was so happy when she saw the cake and it looked amazing i must say .he realy does have a talent for stuff like those .


and after the whole celebration and stuff everything finally settled down and we moved to the couch watching a movie.

3 times you can guess which it was .

frozen .

ofcorse it would be forzen its her favourite movie its even obove barbie can you believe that.

she layed her head onto kyungsoos lap while her legs were placed over my lap. i didnt realy pay attention to the movie because i now got some time to think again .

and i noticed that kyungsoo did aswell .i dont know if i'm just overthinking or imagening things but he seemed a little nervous the whole time and i had a feeling its getting worse the later it gets .there were some moments were he would fight against sleep aswell

he was stroking hye over her head. and hye laughed at every funny thing in the movie .
dont get me started when they started singing .because she would too and with full power .
making me and kyungsoo chuckle or smile everytime . she was a little angel and i cant be thankful enough that she had returned from her depression state .


as the movie finished .hye was already asleep but kyungsoo didnt stop stroking over her head .and looking at him now for real .he looked sad .

,, kyungsoo " i called him in a whisper and he heard but didnt react .

,, why is youre life complicated ?" i continued but he didnt answer again .
i wanted to talk to him i wanted to realy realy know him .everytime we talked we talked about me i want to finally talk about him .

,, i should go now " he answerd me completly ignoring my questions .

,, why wont you ..
let me know you ?"

,, hye's tired you should carry her to her bed " he didnt even dare to look at me and i knew he was trying hard not to cry or break down.. like he did in the bathroom a long time ago .

i sighed knowing that he was right .so i gently picked hye up carrying her upstairs .where i enterd her room and leaned onto the bed .i removed her dress leaving her in a simple shirt and pants as i pulled the blankets over her and kissed her temple .

walking down the stairs again i saw him searching something in his bag. and i didnt have to ask what it was .

no secrets , no misteries anymore i wanted this all to be over .

,, what are you looking for ?" i asked getting closer to him he ignored me still searching .he was shaking and swollowing and it was painful to watch him .
,, kyungsoo " i got down to him .

,, i .. em .. i need to go " he swung the bag onto his back wincing and got up ..probably too fast because he placed a hand onto his forehead almost falling to the side if i didnt react fast enough and steadied him .

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