Chapter 34 : Missing

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,, wooooohhh  aaaahhh " baekhyun yelled and i cringed as we walked out of school

,, baek seriously keep it down "

,, why ??? jongin we almost reached the h-o-li-d-aaa-y zzzzzz" he sang the last part wich made me cringe even more .

not listening anymore i looked around while he was squealing besides me talking and singing cheering and dancing which made me smile now and then .

but it faded as soon as i saw kyungsoo walk out of school from further away he had a frown on his face and suddenly turned around angrily saying something to .. then i saw seungsoo walk out.

and that asshole grabbed his hand to hold him off of walking away i snapped and rushed towards them not bothering that baek was still talking .

,, hey !"i snapped removing seungsoos hand roughly. who just stared at me he looked like he was about to cry which confused me .
,, kyungsoo " i turned to him now and he looked rather exhausted. yet he always did .

,, lets just go "

,, kyungsoo, think about what i said ok .. you cant continue like this " what on earth was seungsoo talking about ?.

before i could question it kyungsoo had me pulling with him . as we walked off .
,, what did he mean ?"

,, nothing .. i am just still angry at him " he explained but somehow i didnt buy it . well kyungsoo has been lying a lot when it comes to problems of his and i learned how to notice a lie .
he swollowed before and after his sentence when he lies .

,, kyungsoo " i stoped him and he looked at me .,, what was he talking about ?"

he was about to open his mouth when baek came to us aswell
,, what happened ?"

me and kyungsoo shared a glance but didnt say anything .


after we all walked home well i walked home i wanted to walk kyungsoo further to his home but he said it was fine and baek had left us earlier because he was meeting up with chanyeol .

on my door way he held my hand seeming rather focused on it . which made me frown as i examed his expression which seemed .. sad ?
,, you ok ?"

he nodded leaning closer to me to rest his forehead on my shoulder and i smiled weakly at that .
,, i love you "

that made me fully smile as i kissed the crown of his head
,, i love you too,baby " we both chuckled at that and he leaned back again so i gave him a peek on his lips ,, i'll see you later ,dont forget to ring "

he nodded cutely before turning away and parting our hands slowly. i watched him walk away before entering the house and closing the door .

instandly i flinched as i heard steps approaching to me .
,, who was that ?"

i didnt answer as i turned around to face my dad who looked angerd .

,,jongin who the hell was that ?"

why cant i open my mouth ? i just stared at him afraid.
,, are you insane ?" his eyes squinted disappointed at me and i forced myself to look down .

,, its a friend of m-"
,, friends dont fucking hold hands and kiss each other ! whats wrong with you ? youre mother is dying in the hospital and you go around fucking other ..  boys! "his voice got louder and made me flinch once  more .
,, what would youre mother think if she knew about this ?"

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