Chapter 75 : Take my Heart

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i opened my eyes slowly to the bright light i've been pretty familiar with .

and when i heard the peeping i was sure i was in the hospital again .
so i blinked a few times at my dry eyes, they were burning slightly and it didnt surprise me after all the crying i did .

not daring to rub my burning eyes i slowly sat up with half opened eyes scanning my body under the white blankets and my hands in front of me being bandged halfway, my fingers were red and the skin was peeling off on some spots. but i wasnt in pain . there were also some needles in my arm and a plastic thing was clipped to my index finger .

,, dont worry you're safe now .." my head shot to the side and i flinched back seeing yixing sitting besides my bed . pain overtaking my legs as i moved and i whimperd to myself but didnt stop moving as i tried to get out of the bed but yixing held me back .
,, i'm not going to do anything !" forcefully he laid me back down

,, d-dont tou-" i ended up coughing even before i could end my sentense and he steadied the mask on my face retreating to sit back .

,, i would say i'm sorry.. but that doesnt by far cut it now does it "

i now turned to him with a frown slowly removing the mask
,, w-what? S-sorry ?"

,, for this ofcorse .. "

why would he be sorry .. he doesnt care. he just takes what he wants without caring for what it may do
,, w-why cant you.. j-just please leave me alone" i asked him desperatly .

,, i will .. " he looked down and i was shocked when i saw a tear fall from his eyes ,, i'm not going to take you anymore "

i would say i felt bad for him .. but i was still more terrified and angry than that
,, why are you h-here.. "

he inhaled sharply
,, i always felt something weird whenever i saw you .. it started long ago .. a voice in my head kept carving you ,you were like a drug and i never knew why but i just needed to follow you, taking pictures of you because i couldnt sleep without seeing you're face before i close my eyes . it became worse the more days went by. 

i started getting anxious and mad at myself whenever i went from work and you said goodbye ..
and all you did was talk about jongin ,jongin here ,jongin there i noticed how you always day dreamed about him . i tried to push it all back, those weird feelings but i couldnt, not after you had to fall asleep in the diner and your lips were so soft against mine .. i just needed this so much.

i think when i saw you in the hospital with all the bruises,cuddling with jongin ..
that was it .i liked seeing bruises on you and i know i've gone insane but i didnt care anymore all i cared about was getting you .

i couldnt stand this carving anymore i needed you "
he explained holding his head
,, but it wasnt like i wanted it to be . you werent  cooperating and no matter what i did you .. you just were different ."

,, how do you expect me to behave! you tortured me until i agreed with every little thing you say !? You r-ruined me! " i shot back with a broken voice

,, i.. i'm sorry "

,, w-why are you telling me this ?
Do you think I might actually feel bad for you ?

y-you killed my stepfather in front of me, you used me in every way you could. Do you h-have any.. you will never k-know what you did to me with this..

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