Chapter 15 : Maby right

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[ Smol beans hands ❤ ^ ]

another few days have past and i at first kept my distance towards seungsoo but now we just kinda made up wich is a good thing .. right ? .now me and chanyeol were standing with the school jerks again .my sister still kept quiet and even the woman fromt he kindergarden talked to me and my dad about it .she was suggesting some sort of therapie but ofcorse my dad said no to it . he seemed even more angry and distaned since my mum was now moved to the hospital .

,, yah, jongin are you even listening ?" oh chanyeol , he was probably already complaining about it .

,, yeah sorry " i apologized as we turned around the coner in the mall .mainly because we were hiding from them .

,, is it because of youre mum?"
well no but thanks for the reminder ..

,, yeah ,its just ..shes always sleeping and .. i know its getting worse " i sighed ,,and hye is so quiet its realy scary sometimes"

,, well did you find someone to take care of her ?" he asked me .. yes i acualy did . baek said he knows someone and is gonna send him over later so i could meet him .

,, yeah i did ..he's coming later"

,, good " he layed a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed it slightly ,, how about we get something to eat i'm starving "

,, you always are " i laughed .

in the past i would talk to seungsoo about it because he always made me feel better he didnt even have to say a word sometimes him holding my hand under the door of the toilet was simply enough but .when i talk to him about this now .. its like he doesnt realy care.


,, hye " i called as i looked inside the room ,, someone is coming later to help you ok "

she just drew on her paper as if i wasnt there .and i sighed once more.before i shut the door again and went to my mums room .

i walked carefully inside looking at the old pictures of her and us .. us all .she had already lost all her hair the doctors had said that there was nothing they could do so she was still in the hosoital getting the medicine.
,, mum " i layed my hand onto her picture.

,, hye is still not talking and i dont know if i'm in love with the wrong guy anymore .dad is sinking in his work and .. we could realy use someone like you to pull us through right now. " it was true tho it seemed like everything was a mess and there was no one to clean it up .just people around to watch it .

ding dong

my head turned and i got my phone out checking the time .
he was punctual .

i rushed down the stairs and got to the door .opening it to reveal .a short guy standing there .
his eyes widen as he removed his hair from his eyes a little, adjusting his hoodie

i raised an eyebrow at him

,, eh . eh .. h-hi ." he stutterd and i smiled slightly thinking that it was acually cute.

,, hello ? .. can i help you ?"

,, yeah .. i .. this .. em i .. i think its the wrong adress my friend was sending me to someone who needed a babbysitter ?" hes the one baek send so yes it was the right guy.

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