Chapter 61 : Asshole

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dont laugh at the name i dont know what else to call this chapter 😂

i'm open for better suggestions tho


,, jongin " a small voice made me flinch and i stoped putting all the sleeping pill cans into the trashbag as i turned my head to see kyungsoo tiredly watching me while he still layed in bed .

,, morning " i could see his eyes widen as i talked to him .

,, jongin " i chuckled as he repeated my name and walked over to him

,, yeah i'm here .. "

,, why ?" he sat up looking at me .

,, i realized something yesterday.."
i sighed and his head turned to the night table seeing the trashbag with his sleeping pills
,, jongin !" he was standing up rushing towards the bag as he fished the pills out but i held his arms pulling him back .

,, jongin !"
,, you dont need them ok , i dont want you to take them they're dangerous for you" he struggled against me but i wouldnt let go .

,, why would you care "

his words were as sharp as a knife cutting into my heart and spreading all the guilt .
,, because i love you "

finally he stoped struggling and i turned him around removing my hands to see blood soaking through his sleeves .
i instandly stood up rushing towards the bathroom as i got a wet cloth and an first aid kit .

before getting back to his side as he looked to the ground and i carefully pulled his sleeves up
with him swollowing nervously and now and then peeking at me .

,, its ok .. " i whisperd to assure him not to be nervous . but he just kept quiet as result so i started cleaning around his cuts.. he seemed pretty careless since dried blood was almost everywhere along with he new one from my gripp

after i cleaned his arms i sighed sadly looking over the cuts as i held both of his arms.
,, kyungsoo.. " i started again .
,, i want to talk about this .. acually about it all . i want to tell you that i'm sorry ."

he stared shocked at me as i spoke .
,, you were always trying to be there for me , even sneaked out of the hospital to be with me at the .. funeral .. and i wasnt like that at all ..i let you down "

i gabbed his hands at that
,, i'm a realy realy realy smelly asshole" i whisperd and he giggled weakly making me smile faintly ,, and i'm realy realy sorry "

he just nodded smiling brightly as he got off the bed to hug me tight and i hugged him back for a few moments until he moved back again
,, its ok "

,, no acually its not ,i was an idiot and i said some realy realy stupid stuff which you should slap me for"

he chuckled at my statement ,, jongin i'm not going to slap you, its realy ok you were right at some point "

,, and exacly thats the point .. everything i said was bullshit " i grabbed his hands tighter to make him look at me ,, you are not a baby or weak or stupid or whatever i called you ..
oh god what is wrong with me"

,, jongin its fine realy i get it " he smiled but i could see right through it. i realy hated seeing him fake a smile
i realy did . knowing that he was so used to it made me feel even worse .

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