Chapter 20 : Double pain

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,, kyungsoo "

,, babysoo "

,, mum?"

,, you wont have it !" i heard her screaming but when i looked around me .. in could only see black

,, mum !"

,, let go i said no ! its not yours !"

,, mum! mum whats going on ? where are you !?" i started running not even knowing where, i just wanted to know whats going on i wanted to know whats wrong

,, babysoo ! "

,, mum ! " i turned suddenly tripping onto the ground and as i raised slowly i coud feel how my face was already wet from tears but i dont remeber when i started to cry . i whiped confused over my face Feeling my breath unsteady as i looked onto my Hands and it was getting brighter revealing my in blood soaked Hands . my eyes widened and i looked over the rest of me to see more blood on my Shirt ,pants and even bare feet .

,, kyungsoo !" an angry voice appeard and i didnt Need to guess to know that it was my stepdad .

i instandly started running just running .. i dont know where just run .

there out of nowhere a door appeard and i ran into it punshing and kicking it . as i pushed and pulled the door handle . i somehow knew that my stepdad wasnt after me anymore and i wasnt running from him away anymore . i just felt the Need to go into that room not even knowing why .

,, Babysoo .. " i turned at that suddenly being already inside of the room .

i was breating heavily looking at my mum who stood there soaked in blood .

,, mum ?" i felt the tears now form in my eyes as i took a step towards her. she cant be here what is she doing here .. shes soaked in blood and it was too familiar .

i stoped Walking when she took a step back and everything around us changed . she was no langer Standing on the ground but sitting on the open window . it was too familiar and i looked at myself remembering that it was her blood i was soaked in and it were my tears as i looked at her .

,, i love you Babysoo .." she smiled and i heard some banging on the door

,, mum .. mum " i rushed towards her and grabbed her hand .
,, stop ! come back "

i tried so hard to pull her away from the window but i was so small my hands where so small and i was too weak .

she only caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead as she whisperd something into my ear .

and before i could answer or react .she removed my hands and leaned back .

she fell .

,, MUM !! " i screamed and leaned out of the window . watching her fall and hit the ground with a crack that was loud enough even for me to hear .

people started screaming and taking steps back as some of them looked up at me but i had my eyes on my mums body . on the blood that was appearing around her .it was the worst thing i have ever seen .her body twisted so weirdly and her hair mixed with blood .

my breath was heavy yet slow and i couldnt even cry as i collapsed to my knees .not looking at her anymore i just couldnt .

someone yelled at me in an angerd tone .he yelled my name but i didnt react .i just stared at the ground .and closed my eyes receiving the first kick .

the first kick of so so many .


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