Chapter 3 : Chores

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how do you know when you acually fall in love ? .be serious ?

well baekhyun says i have already fallen .but i'm not even close to him i'm just staring like a freak whenever he was around . sometimes i would even wait around the coner until his class was over so i could see him walking out with that stupid half smirk of his. i mean i was staring at him in the past but ever since that talk i keep thinking about him .what is wrong with me we didnt even talk that much ! i feel like i'm going insane .

oh shit there he was again i exhaled as i saw him walking out of his classroom .my books squeezed tight onto my chest and my bag resting in my lap .
as i watched him talk to his friends .i couldnt help but wonder about the things he said .was this perfect smile he showed fake ?

my heart stoped when they suddenly came this way .
shit they never came this way
i quick picked my bag up swung in onto my back and somehow tried to move away but i just froze.the steps were getting closer and i paniced .
what now !?

not knowing better i just faced the lockers and closed my eyes .like a little boy, who hoped the creepy shadow from the wardrobe would disappear when he closes his eyes .i dont have to worry about that. my room doesnt have a wardrobe because it is a exacly its just the under stair storage .

with those thoughts i tried to distract myself as they walk past but unfortunatly one of those idiots just had to hit me with his shoulder, causing me to fall foreward against the lockers and let my books fall to the ground .

i just wanted to disappear into thin air at that point .but unfortnatly that wasnt possible .

,, xiumin wtf man ?"i swollowed as i heard jongins voice .
i tried to ignore it and got down to my books. when jongin appeard besides me . making me nervous once more.

,, sorry, seems like he still doesnt know how to walk " his chuckle at the end somehow made me smile .and he handed me the books as we both stood up again .
i noticed that the others already continued walking .

,, you ok ?"

i nodded and he handed me the rest of the books .
,, do i know you ?" he squinted and i lowerd my head a little holding onto the feeling of safety under my hoddie .

,, ey jongin !" his friends called from the other end of the hallway .
and he turned a second .i didnt know why i did it or why i suddenly felt like just running away .jongin just made me feel so anxious at times and i didnt think .when i just turned around and walked away .

,, hey !" he called after me but stupid stuuupid stupid me didnt listen and instead walked faster .






so many words i could describe myself now .
yixing sat beside me on the counter while baek stood in front of me helplessly watching me as i had my head laying limp onto the counter and my hands hanging besides me
,, how could i be sooo dumb !" i whined not raising my head .

and yixing slowly stroke over my head. ,, its ok .."

,, no ! i just walked away .. he called me ! and what did i do ? i ran away like a little bitch "

i didnt need to see to know that baek and yixing shared an helpless glance .

thats when the bell of the diner door rang and i raised my head again .
sighing i turned around rubbed my eyes and grabbed the menu
.. i was tired of this so so tired i wanted to forget jongin i dont even get why hes so stuck in my head .

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