Chapter 46 : Not what i want to see

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Oh Lord i broke mah stupittttt  phone  so.. fucking sucks i guess . i dont know when i'm gonna update tho maby still daily maby NEVER! jk XD i still have my Laptop so dont worry i'll try my best .enjoy and dont be too depressed😘😊😊


my eyes twitched as i felt a hand caressing my cheek as i layed on my side .

jongin wasnt cuddling me tho . he probably left for school .

but if it wasnt jongin caressing my cheeks . then...

i opened my eyes slowly blinking between a few times because they were so dry , it almost hurt.

,,morning honey " he whisperd with that smile of his that made me shiver .he was whispering . and had an old hoodie alog with some basic jeans . its weird since he doesnt usually wear stuff like this .

i knew he sneaked in . but how and why . jongin said he would make sure that i'm never alone .
he couldnt have sent yixing because he caused me to scream so much , it would either be baekhyun or chanyeol . but most likely baekhyun.

,, you've been here for quite some time now havent you "

i just lazily blinked at him as he continued caressing my cheek. i was scared and i felt bad because yixing loved me. while i still dont know how to feel for anyone .

,, you love me dont you, honey ?" he kissed my forehead and for some reason . it just felt different then when jongin would do it .
,, mh ?"

i hesitated before i instincly just nodded my head slowly because i felt scared . i was so confused and i didnt know what else to do . he would force love to not betray him again and that hurts . so i have to say yes .

i love him. i love him. i love him 

,, but this people here .. wont let us love each other .. " he paused sadly . grabbing now into his pocket as i watched him .
,, we'll get out of here, ok ? out of this hell "

out of this hell.

,, i will make you stop suffering, i will love you "

he will love me .

,, all you have to do is stay quiet and come with me "

go with him !
no one else will love you anyway !
jongin only pities you , dont you see how it destroys him . he will be glad you're gone

i blinked again and he lifted the blanket off of me before grabbing my hand as he helped me to my feet .

but as soon as i stood, tears formed in my eyes, i didnt want to leave .i'm scared .

he pulled my pants down and grabbed a new pair of pants from the table . quieckly getting them on me and i found it rather harshly as he then grabbed my hand again . i didnt need to change my shirt because it was a normal shirt of mine with an oversized soft jacked , because i've been here so long .that i only wore the hospital pants because they were comfortable .

yixings pants were too big tho and he had to wrap the belt tight around my hip to make sure it wouldnt slip down to my kness.

,, come on " he just ignored my tears and pulled me with him as he still held my hand . altho he slowed down because i couldnt walk faster .

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