Chapter 64 : Cold Cheater

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,, who do you think you are !? give me the fucking thing ! you stupid trash !" seungsoo started stumping hard with his shoes on my .. on my  blue and already aching back . i cried out many times .my tears streaming down as he kept stomping on me. i couldnt breath. stop !

,, you will give it to me fucking now !" he yelled pulling me up to turn me around .and i sobbed having ragged breaths.. pathetic

,, n-no i w-will not "  i breath out shortly before having to take a breath because of the pain again .and he let me go glarring at me.

he threw the apple besides me stomping on it as he looked back at me again.
,, bon appetite faggot "

with that he left and i took a few shaky breaths as i whiped my wet eyes and face to remove most of the tears .
before i shakingly reached out for he apple .or at least what was left of it .

a hand suddenly appeard on my wrist stoping me and pulling me up .
it was a woman .

i rememberd her . she was the woman i met at the hospital .when i was standing in front of eujins old room to see a new patient being in it .
a boy . her son

,, i'm joo jisu" she smiled but her smile faded when she looked closely at me ,, do you know my son ?"

,, no .. i was just ,that was the room of my sister "

she looked despred at me
,, you're dying arent you "

shocked i stared at her as she   continued  ,, why didnt you donate for my son ! he's only 10 ! he needs it more youre life was a screw up anyway ! why didnt you donate !!"
she grabbed my collar and started shaking me

i only flinched finding myself under the blankets of jongins bed . great another nightmare.. 

a few tears had stained my pillow and i turned around to snuggle into jongin to comfort myself when i noticed that the space besides me was empty

i sat up rubbing my eyes to remove the rest of the tears. when i heard his chuckle

,, you're an idiot "

he was on the phone .. in the bathroom..
my eyes sadden as i glanced at the door of the bathroom with the little light coming from under the door

,, yah i promised didnt i .. but you promised too " he whisper yelled before chuckling again and i frowned to myself because i suddenly felt so ..

we had so much fun yesterday we laughed a lot why does he even need her i though i was enough to make him happy why does he need to talk to her why cant he just forget her quit his job and stay with me !? .

,, its in the middle of the night what did you expect ? he's sleeping ofcorse . " i lifted my head listenig carefully .

,, not so good .. its annoying sometimes but you know" whats annoying ? am i doing something that annoys him .. oh god everything i does is annoying ..

,, what ? no ofcorse not " he laughed obviously and tears appeard in my eyes . what if she asked him if he loved me anyways ..
i'm overthinking this !

,, oh he .. is a big problem sometimes " i'm a big problem sometimes ? ..

,, well what do you expect me to do i cant kick him out "
he wants to kick me out ? a few tears rolled down my cheeks as i layed back down to hide myself under the blanket. i didnt want to hear more .
i was suppose to trust him and i hate myself for feeling like this.

after a while i still couldnt fall asleep as i thought about everything . it does make sense tho .. what if the only reason why i'm here is because he pities me , what if all the laughs,kisses and fun was all just an act .
the thought of jongin faking his laughs and kisses hurt even more .

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