Chapter 65 : Lean foreward

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This part could could be a major trigger to some ppl

i released a shaky breath still holding my cheek in pain as i slowly turned around .

,, jongin .." krystal starts slowly and i could see the guilt in her eyes
but i was still shocked i havent seen him like this before. i've seen him in the worst conditions now but this ..
it was a mix of anger and frustration and sadness .

frustration and sadness i knew how to handle from him but mixed with anger it was so different.
it hurt me .

,, what just happened whats going on ?" krystals mother stood up staring at the both of us with a hard frown .

,, mum i can explain "

,, who was that ?" her father now joined confused looking at me .

,, that was my boyfriend " i simply said and krystal dropped the glass that was earlier in her hand .
while both of her parents jaws dropped .

,, i thought you were her boyfriend !? what the hell is going on " she yelled completly upset glaring from me to her and i saw tears built in krystals eyes .

,, hes not my boyfriend ok !.. i was just .. you wanted me to have him as my boyfriend because he comes from a wealthy family but mum ..
dad .. " i wanted to move over and comfort her but kyungsoos eyes were still stuck in my head . i couldnt even explain what was realy going on to him .

it literly looked like i was cheating and now she was just crying not able to tell the truth to her parents which made me angry now
,, for christ sake ... if you lovedyour daughter you wouldnt pressure her like this ! " i yelled at both the adults before turning back to krystal
,, just tell them already this was going to fuck things up eventually and you see what happened now !!"

and just before the door opened again she finally comitted ,, i like girls"

my head turned to the door seeing my dad stand there panting and looking at me ,, jongin "

out of the coner of my eyes i could see her mother fainting and her father catching her ,krystal screaming and running to her .
so much stuff was happening at once and i didnt know what to do or where to go .

,, shit !" my dad ran inside going to krystals mothers side as i watched them , krystal getting her phone while she cried and called the ambulance but even then i still only thought of kyungsoo

and if my dad was here ..
then where was he ?

,, where is he ?"
i was hoping he would say in his car but he didnt answer staring at me confused and shocked
,, WHERE IS HE !?"

,, he was run-"
without letting him finish i ran out of the warm room and into the cold .
it was windy and snowing thousends of small little snowflakes .
its way too cold for him to be out here !

and i could bearly see where i was through all the snowflakes and the icecold wind .

it was frustating . i was frustarting myself stomping hard as i despredly looked around with tears in my eyes .
where is he ?
,, kyungsoo !"

what if he gets taken again !? i dont know what i would do ? this is all my fault i never should have agreed to krystals plead to fake a relationship for her parents but she just helped me a lot when kyungsoo couldnt . when he was so broken at the hospital or when he was gone and i couldnt talk to anyone when i needed it.
i felt like i couldnt just say no.

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