Chapter 11 : A Bruise Is Nothing

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,, kyungsoo .. kyungie "
i slowly opened my eyes to see the diner .. well in a wrong angle ?

my mind clicked and i instandly shot up into sitting position looking what was in front of me .
i sat on the chair on a table having my head layed onto my arms on it .

did i fell asleep ?

,, yes " yixing chuckled ,, you did" i looked at him with big eyes .

did i say that loud ?

,, yes .. again you did "

,, yixing .." i spoke shakingly ,,why didnt you wake me ? what time is it ?"

,, its time for us to close the diner and go home " he just smiled at me .

,, what !?" is he serious ?? did i sleep the entire time !?
,, omg yixing i'm so sorry .. why did you let me sleep !?"

,, you work a lot and seem exhausted over the past few weeks .how could i wake you ? besides there arent as much customers here as there used to be, its ok ." yixing was too nice once more and i smiled thankfully at him .

,, thanks .." i sat ul and frowned faintly as i felt something on my forehead . buz when i touched it .it was just a little wet . why ? no its not my droll i didnt droal big surprise .

,, now lets go then you still look exhausted you better get into bed now "
i chuckled at that and stood up .
yeah i will .. maby depends on how much time i have left .

once i got my things i returned to him and we both walked out of the diner as i lockdd the door behind me and we said goodbye .

this is realy geting worse .i still feel super exhausted even tho i just slept in the fucking diner .it feels like every step i make is tiring .


once i finally reach home i was already out of breath .. coughing a few times i cleared my throat and took my shoes off walking further inside .little did i know that much worse things are about to happen .

i enterd the living room knowing that thats the first room i was going to clean but unlike everyday .it wasnt empty .seungsoo and my stepdad were sitting there as if they waited for me .

,, ah .. kyungsoo has finally come back " my step dad smiled at me ..and it made me sick .
i swollowed not moving an inch .. whats wrong ? did they find out i fell asleep at the diner ?
or that i once fainted in school?
or that i've been saving money for college behind their backs ?

,, we've been waiting you know" he continued and i looked at seungsoo this time .

,, EYES ON ME !" my eyes instandly returned to his and i blinked a few times .my blood running cold as he stood up and walked closer to me .

,, seungsoo . has been telling me that you appearently made a new friend " i am literly so terrified now .. please dont let them mean jongin .

,, a friend ?" my lovely stepbrother also stood up arms crossed .,, i heard them talking in the bathroom kyungsoo was literly pleading him to help him" my eyebrows knitted as he continued ,, he told him that his life was horrible he told him that you hit him!"

,,no, i didnt ! " i yelled back why the fuck was he lying like that what was his problem ! ?

but i couldnt say more because my stepdad now slapped me acroos my face and i landed backwards .
,, so you tell him i hit you huh ? like this ?" he pulled me up by my collar and pinned me against the wall hitting me with his fist right on my eye and cheek .

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