Chapter 69 : Losing Time

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,, i dont know i'm kind of tired .. " he spoke as i supported him sitting on the edge of the bed .

,, its not going to help if you lay in bed all the time besides that .. i'm youre knight remember i'll catch you if you fall " he smiled now blushing lightly .

,, so sappy .."

,, i know you love it " i whisperd to him kissing his temple
,, unfortunatly .." he only rolled his eyes and i now stood up to be in front of him

,, come on " i reached my hands out to him and he took them with a sigh getting onto his feet to stand as he released a breath
,, how's it feel ?"

,, what do you mean hows it feel its normal " he chuckled

,, you havent walked in like 2 and a half weeks so .."
,, it feels heavy .." he now answerd faster and i looked down .

,, but i hope you know how light you are .. why do you think i bring you so much cake " i answerd after hesitating i cant let him feel fat not when hes so skinny ...

,, shut up " he giggled and i moved his head up to look at me with my fingers by his chin
,, how many times do i have to tell you that you're beautiful ?" he instandly blushed and i chuckled lightly kissing his lips and red cheeks under his nasual cannula. 
,, come on dance with me .. its been a while since we alst danced "

i love seeing him smile its like whenever i see him smile the sun rises in my heart , i know it sounds sappy but just like the kisses we shared. his smile just makes me feel something in my heart .
i guess thats whats called love isnt it ..

he leaned closer to me as i slowly guided him more into the center of the room and away from the bed . to have some space as we slowly started to sway to some nonexistant rhythm .
i closed my eyes when he laid his head onto my shoulder releasing a sigh .

,, i love you "
i finally managed to say after we had swayed for a while now .

he didnt answer tho and i opened my eyes slightly when i felt his body shake and a small sob escaped his lips
,, i-'m sorry .. i-i didnt m-mean for this"

,, dont worry its ok " what a surprise that he was worrying about me ...
,, you wont die. i wont let you. you will stay right by my side got it "

he cried more this time burrying his face in my shoulder .


,, jongin " my head turned just as i was about to enter the door back to kyungsoos room and i glanced to my father who looked at me from a little further away and motioned for me to come over ,which i did .

,, what ?" he sighed running a hand through his hair

,, hye, kept whining because she wanted to see kyungsoo , she doesnt know that hes all sick and i'm not sure what to do . do you think its a bad idea to let her visit him ? " i havent seen hye in a while now too she has probably grown a lot again .like she always does .

,, i'm not sure .. she already lost .. mum and she didnt even understand when or why "

,, yeah but at least she didnt get hurt i was thinking we could let her see him and like have a day fun with all of us as far as kyungsoo could go ofcorse but then it would all be a painful goodbye which isnt exacly good for her or any of us ... sometimes no goodbye is a better goodbye .." i dont know why his words made me so angry all of a sudden

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