Chapter 31 : The cut

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warning: mention of selharm

i hope ya all read the warning at the beginning of the book ofcorse 😂

i sat down onto the couch with a smile letting my school bag land on the ground .

,, yes " he chuckled kinda shocked and i just smiled at him standing back up and hugging him tight and he hugge dme back . people giving us looks. some smiled some looked disgusted but i couldnt care less .

wehn i retreated from the hug he had tears in hus eyes
,, hey dont cry .. i didnt say you could cry "

andother small laugh escaped his lips and i awed at it .
,, you're so cute "

,, shut up " ofocrse he would fire back . i just warmly chuckled planting a kiss onto his forehead a si stroke over his cheeks.

i was surprised no one has said anything yet. they were either just eyeing us or ignoring us .
i was just glad that it wasnt an awkward silence and i was glad everyone knew that
kyungsoo was now officially mine

the house was quiet and empty .
my dad was probably still in the hospital and hye was at grandma's.

but i still managed to smile only because of today .
because of kyungsoo when i asked him to be mine and he said yes
i didnt leave him alone for the rest of the schoolday . i carried his books and we laughed a lot . altho he still worries me because sometimes he would still be having problems .if he laughed too much or we kissed too long .he would sart cough and catch for air .

and as for the looks people were giving us .. i didnt care . i didnt care about my image now either .
everyone looked pretty much confused or shocked even disgusted but you know why i didnt care ?

because i had kyungsoo and chanyeol and baekhyun . we were kinda like a new formed group call us the fags , gays or homos i do not care anymore because i felt like i finally belonged somewhere .

and as for seungsoo .. i havent seen him anymore and i'm kinda glad . dont get me wrong . its good that he wanted to help now but whenever i see his face i feel angry . just imagening him doing that to kyungsoo .. i just couldnt . i told him to stay away after all and i guess he did .


,, so everyone !" the teacher walked through the bus . i was sitting besides kyungsoo while chanyeol was with baek almost besides us . he was sitting on the right line of seats in the bus but 2 seats away .

front      CB    |       |        |   ...    back
of the                                            of the
bus          |      |      KS      |   ...      bus

(its like this 😂 lol
(  | ) are the seats
(KS) is kaisoo
(CB) is chanbaek)

today was the trip which i had originally only joined because chanyeol didnt want to be alone, then that whole chanbaek happened and .. well
'kaisoo' happened too so i took kyungsoo with me to not be chanbaeks third wheel

but what confuses me is that there arent realy that much people at this trip yes there are a few people ofcorse . enough to make the bus have a lot of talking going on .
but quite a lot of seats were free .
,, do you understand ! i do not want to leave this bus drowned in dirt once we get back !" she announced before she walked to the front again giving the driver a sign to start .
,, then lets have a save trip " with that she acually smiled and a few guys cheered before she also sat down .

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