Chapter 22 : New job

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,, i can explain "

,, what do you want to say ? did you get attacked ? by thiefs ?? did you fell ? are you just a little sick ? what is it this time ? "

w-what .. what am i suppose to say ?.

,, i was walking over the street .." what am i doing .he caught me .he wont believe me now ,, when there was .. a.. a car . i didnt see "

,, kyungsoo stop lying to me " he whisperd despred croching in front of me but i just continued

,, it came out of nowhere .. and hit me.. "

,, kyungsoo please "

,, i .. at first only fell sidewards .. but it then continued to drive so i rolled myself to the side .and landed in a-a few broken bottle pieces"

he took my bandaged hands gently in his again moving vloser to me
,, in the bathroom .. you told me youre life is complicated and weird... i'm not that stupid you know .. i know that someones beating you up " he spoke trying to be soft but i only sniffed at that i didnt want him to know all and try to interfer .he will think he could safe me but i dont need to be saved its not worth it .

,, i'm clumsy "

,, kyungsoo stop .. just stop ok "

,, no you stop .. this is none of youre buisness . i only work for you and everything else is-.. look i know you think you need to like help me and stuff but i dont need it ok " i'm so sorry jongin i dont mean it like that .but i cant handle this now .

i stood up and felt the bandages on my back .
,, thanks for .. for not calling an ambulance and everything  ... but i think i should leave " i turned to the door and picked my bag up .after slipping into my shoes.

,, you slept a while .. its time for youre medicine "i nodded at his reminder .

,, i will .. thanks "
opening the door i didnt look at him anymore as i took my first step.

,, kyungsoo , " dont turn around now you'll get weak

,, i still love you "


jongins words haunted me day and night . i felt the worst because i just wanted to fucking say it back . but i didnt .

i decided to keep out .. this was only getting worse. i was getting worse .i started to avoid him again like the idiot that i am .i only talked to baek still but i completly avoided jongin and hye . i started going on the streets and begging for money .i also went to a lot of shops asking if they could give me a job because eujin needed that fucking surgery and time was running out .

,, please sir .. i'll do it i'll clean and-"
,, no we dont need anymore help i'm sorry "

i felt like crying again . why couldnt he just give me a fucking job anything .

,, but .. downtown theres an ice cafe they might need some help"

downtown .. but thats so far i would need to walk a lot .every morning .

,, yeah .. maby thanks " i forced a smile and walked slowly to the exit .,, goodbye "

,, good luck ."

i will need it.

walking donwtown i looked at every shop searching the ice cafe yes i was searching it .walking is sport and sport is healthy right .. besides that i dont have any other choice right now .

i know what you're all thinking .
yes you just to just go back to jongin bla bla bla .. well its easier said than done .i would still see him in school break or when he exits his class.. yes i didnt stop watching him like a creepy stalker .i never stoped .

ice krytal

i took a deep breath since i was out of it again .. and then stepped into the caffee .

well not a lot of people to be honest .. but it was big . there was a stage in the back and a lot of empty tables .i had to look at the sign to acually check if it was open or closed .

,, no you're just too stupid " chuckles and mumbling filled the air . it sounded awfully familiar .i knew who it was and instandly turned away to exit again when someone suddenly stopped me .

,, kyungsoo ?" with wide eyes i turned to the side .

,, y-yixing ?" he smiled as i said his name and walked towards me through he chairs .
before he pulled me into a hug wich i didnt know how to return .. i was never good with hugs .

,, what are you doing here ? i havent seen you since forever " i smiled as i heard his happy voice and finally returned the hug .
,, how are you ? .. i . em i heard abou- "
,, i'm fine thanks. eujins .. still in the hospital "
i didnt want to talk about it .. at all .shes in a coma and the doctors always tell me to pay whenever i visit her ..i know they were getting unpatient but once i have the money for her surgery then she'll be ok again and i almost have enough 

,, but what are you doing here ?"

,, i . " i looked back into the coffee shop seeing how jongin now stood there aswell looking at me . but i kinda froze when another person stood up besides him ..

krystal .

he was laughing with krystal when i enterd .the bitch who has a crush on him .he was laughing with her .

,, i w-was looking for a job " i unconciously said and saw how jongin sighed and moved away .
krystal following him into the kitchen .

,, well i'm close to the owner so maby i could throw a few words for ya in .. wait here i'll get the papers " he said as he moved away and i was kinda surprised that he was acting so fast .

,, wait ... i can start today ?" i asked confused but he only chuckled and i adjusted my hoodie moving my hair to the side as i could bearly see ..

,, no today is too early " he smiled looking at me with the papers he had gotten for me ,, and you will need to wear some uniform .. i would also cut that hair if i were you " he gastured to them and to be honest i was realy thinking about cutting them because they were realy getting annoying and now with my stepdad beating me everyday it wouldnt make any difference . i doupd that he would even notice now .in the past he would .. he would have ripped more hair out if i did it back then .

so i nodded . and he smiled again as i grabbed the paper .
,, so we're gonna work together again ??" i chuckled at that looking up at him .as his hand was still on mine and he had that smile on his face.

,, if i get the job .. "

,, you will dont worry " he told me and i smiled again .weakly looking over the papers as i cough into my hands clearing my throat .when his hand now finally retreated from mine .

,, and if youre having problems with jongin and bla bla just come to me ok " oh so he does remeber my huge crush on jongin .

,, since when is he working here ?" i question turning my attention from the papers to him

,, he started here a few days ago .. that girl  her name is krystal appearently .. she has like a "
,, crush on him " i finished for him with a sigh

,, and her parents own this place so .. i'm sure i dont have to explain why he got the job "
yeah it was pretty clear .

i just didnt know how to feel about that .. if i were realy to get the job ..

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