Chapter 38 : Breaking

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its been 1 mounth now since i last saw him .almost half of the holdidays were now over and no sign of him no message no clue nothing .

i rememberd when we were sitting in the bus and both of us were trying to lipsync to the song .

i still remeberd how he had smiled and laughed with me on that day. i remeberd how it felt like to have him sleeping inside my arms or on my shoulder .

i remeberd how it was like to still stroke over his soft cheek  and hold his cold hand . i rememberd how our kisses felt like . my whole body went crazy for each kiss . it started tickling under my skin everywhere and i was craving for the kisses whenever i saw him .

i remember the time when i still got to see him .

i searched with seungsoo for that weird guy that he had talked to. but we didnt find him at all .

baek and chanyeol were super drepressiv aswell and all i could see of them were cuddles amd weak smiles they gave each other

we simply missed him .

but on that particular day ..
we found something we had forgotten this whole time

something to hold onto to .
we found hope.


,, yeah .. its fine just take care of him " i spoke over the phone as i heard chanyeol panicing .
,, yes i'm sure i'll call you when i find something ok "

,, yes chanyeol dont worry see you bye .. yes bye .. chanyeol i said bye "

i placed my phone back into my pocket

,, whats wrong " seungsoo asked keeping his eyes on the road .. yes he now has his license i would have too but i'm not realy focused enough for it neither do i have time for it now .

,, nothing, baek just got sick and i told chanyeol to take care of him, we got it " he nodded at that and i smiled slightly before turning back to the car window .

we were just driving around the town for a little again .

i was just watching the trees past in silence .the houses between them a few people laughing and talking on the streets .

when i noticed something that wasnt suppose to be . i frowned as my hand landed on seungsoos on the steering wheel
,, stop !"

he flinched at my touch and voice and the car violently drove to the side before it came to a halt .
,, what !?"

,, drive back . hurry !"

,, wha-?"
,, seungsoo "

he frowned at me before turning the car and driving back .

,, srop at yixings house "

,, why ?" he looked confused at me almost as if he thought that i had finally lost it .

i didnt answer anymore and waited until he halted the car in front of yixings house. we both stared out of oure windows with wide eyes as we see the lights being on .

,, i thought yixing was in america with his myrah ?"

,, either he lied to us or .. someone else is in there "

he turned to me now giving me a shocked expression
,, you dont think .. "

i instandly got out of the car looking over the house i didnt even wait for seungsoo to follow me as i got over the streets and soon found myself standing on the door .

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