Chapter 37 : Cracking .

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,,oh oh look at this one !" she laughed showing me another picture on her phone . and i smiled slightly at her .

,, we should probably head home now its getting late " i told her and she nodded still smiling at me .

she got up and walked towards the changing room and i sighed leaning back .

its been almost 2 weeks since i had last seen kyungsoo . it doesnt seem like anyone has been noticing that he missed not even the teacher at school proofed his presence anymore its like everyone has forgotten about him .

everyone exept me ,baek and chanyeol .

even yixing left without caring anymore . he said he had to return to america now.

not one day had passed when i didnt think about him . i searched him everywhere on the streets .  i even rang at his door but appearently his father.had left too and i had no idea where to but he took everything the house was pretty much empty ..

me and baek already filled a file for the police to start searching him but they couldnt find more than we could ,they even mentioned the possibility of kidnapping but after they talked to some people and stuff they pretty much believe he had run away. discovering the bullying and the past and missing father now aswell just made them believe he was a kid that ran away more.

,, time to go .. arent you gonna change ?" she came back out and i looked at her before shaking my head .

,, today is washing day " i grinned .

,, then lets go " she walked towards the door and i got up from my seat going to the back to get my bag first .

when i got back she already stood there on the door . and i frowned as she seemed to be frozen .
,, whats wrong ?"

i walked closer and she smiled
,, look what i found .. isnt it pretty " she showed it to me

and i froze glancing at it . my jaw dropped and my eyes widened as i grabbed it out of her hands having tears already in my eyes .
,, w-where did you find this !?"

,, just on the ground"

i looked around the ground literly dropping to my knees as i hoped to find any other clue or something but there wasnt any. not a note or anything .

,, kyungsoo !!!?? " i  called out looking around ,, KYUNGSOO !??"

,, jongin, stop screaming "

,, KYUNGSOO !!?" i got to my feet ignoring her as i walked foreward looking around
,, KYUNGSOO !!?"

,, kyungsoo !!!?"

,, kyungsoo !!? where are you ?? PLEASE ! come back PLEAAASEE !"
why didnt he fucking talk to me why didnt he meet me or at least say where he was or where he is now !? why couldnt he fucking tell me . why did he leave me like this !?
doesnt he know that i love him .

,, jongin !" her hand landed on my shoulder but i shrugg her off and started walking as i looked around . ,, helloho that trash's gone why are you screaming his ugly nam-"
,, shut the fuck up !the only trash here is you for keep trying,
get it right krystal i do not fucking love you ! so you can stop faking being nice !"
she looked shocked at that but i couldnt care less as i started walking around the streets looking in all directions .


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