Chapter 26 : Being in pain

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dont hate me and please dont turn emo after reading this 😊😂❤

my breath hitched as i heard what he had said and i just stood up having only one thing in mind.
i need to find kyungsoo .

,, did you know?" i looked coldly at him

,, know what ?"

,, you know exacly what i mean ! did you fucking know ??"
i yelled at him . i dont mean it but i'm just so overwhelmed .
,, thats the reason why you're worried right !?"

he looked onto his hands at that and i sighed kinda disappointed as i turned away rushed and walked off looking around to find seungsoo .i needed to know if kyungsoo was ok .

i remembered the day i first met him in the bathroom .how he cried and talked about being done. and back then he didnt have a sister that died . as pain added .

,, jongin where are you going!?"

,, to seungsoo i'm gonna ask him where kyungsoo is "

he didnt say anything and mutely followed me .as i walked through the halls to the other end of the school where more tables were.
not bothering that people around us where looking at my angerd face .

and there he was .sitting on one of the tables alone as he rested his head on one of his hand steadied by his elbow .

i didnt hestiate as i walked over to him slamming my hand onto the table to earn his attention .

he looked back at me with wide eyes that had fear written all over them as he rose his head looking me in the eyes

,, seungsoo " i lost my words not knowing how else to start . and he waited for me to continue so to my awkward being i cleard my throat . ,, do you know where kyungsoo is ?"

he shock his head and i suddnenly felt angry again
,, who did that to youre face ?"

he looked coldy into my eyes and frowned .
,, quit the mystery .is kyungsoo at youre home !?"

,, i dont know " he simply said .
and i tried to remember where he lived

without another word i turned away from him
,, jongin " baek was still there following me close up
,, where now ?"

,, to his home "

,, wait !" we both turn to seungsoo who looked at us .
,, i'm coming too "

i didnt know what to think of it. of him and his decicion to suddenly help us but i knew that it wasnt important right know .because kyungsoo was whats important right now .

determant i walked even faster outside

getting to my car i enterd quieckly and baek did aswell on the passenger seat .the longer and more i thought about what could have happened the more i got worried and anxious .
i literly prayed that he would be ok when we arrive there .
the only thing i could think of was the scar on his wrist .


closing the door i took big steps up to the house. it was a rather old house dirty and even broken at some spots .

i watched as seungsoo walked past me getting out his keys .
we didnt say any word on the way to here .and i was glad we kept quiet because i still had my history with the dirty liar seungsoo is .

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