Chapter 57 : Fear of losing

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okkkkk i still have writersblock and its annoying af so this chapter isnt realy something special hope you will enjoy anyway ❤

as always show mercy

with a sigh i brushed one last time through kyungsoos hair as he slept piecefully under the covers . his face was damaged once more and i couldnt be there to protect him.

krystal had called me .. she seemed to sad she was crying and everyhting she told me she missed me and i felt bad for her . she said that no one understood her and she even missed me as a friend . a part of me wanted to go to her and see if she was alright but when i left the bathroom and mony told me he left all of a sudden i got scared and searched for him .

walking downstairs mony was already at the door looking sceptically at me, her son stood there on the door .my father stood there and it made my vlood boil knowing that he was there and didnt prevent this from happening .
,, what do you want ?"

,, i want to talk jongin " he stepped mor einside and mony closed the door behind him turning quietly towards us as i walked down the stairs to face him
,, about what? you are not my son seems to be a big and pretty good reason not to talk anymore "

he sighed looking down ,, i was an idiot i know.. but i never stoped loving you as my son . you are my son no matter what , its just a lot to take in "

,, so instead of talking to me like a normal parent would yo-"
,, well i wanted to but your mothers death and you bringing a boy in ! it was just too much at once " him cutting me off and pointing a finger at me as if i'm the one guilty just made me even more mad .

,, yes at once !" i yelled back ,, but you literly left me. and hye you left us both because of this! we should stick together and try to comfort each other but you just left me behind alone ! you didnt even make sure that hye was safe or ok , if i hadnt sent her to mony she would be even more broken ! and you still wouldnt even notice it !

i'm not even sure what i would've done if kyungsoo didnt appear at the funeral. if he didnt hold my hand and let me cry in his arms comforting me because he loved me enough to be there for me !

so if you realy loved me as your son" my voice died down to a whisper as a tear escaped my eyes and i looked deep into his
,, then where the hell were you ?"

i could see that he was speechless after i just let it all out on him and i could tell that he was thinking about the words i just yelled . and i made me feel a little bit more free because i released all the anger and frustration about him, on him .

,, jongin .. i'm sorry "

,, if thats all you have to say then leave " i pointed towards the door and he swollowed looking down i cant believe that i'm acualy about to throw my own father out of the house .
and i cant believe hes listening with a all his high respect rules and pride .

,, jongin " mony now decided to join the conversation as she took my hand ,, maby its better if you first listen to each other .. this useless fight isnt helping anyone. your mother wouldnt want you 2 to fight either "

,, well its not my fault !" i defended and she looked down causing me to somehow feel guilty .

,, its mine and i know it " father continued and i stared at him
,, i'm so so sorry ok "

,, no not ok" i instandly snapped .because i didnt feel like listening to anything he had to say.

,, listen , i know i have been the worst father ever for leaving you and hye alone but i cant change that now and-"
,, oh how smart you are"

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