Chapter 42 : No more standing up

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some people realy go too far sometimes

whoever did this better rott in hell .

i hope they soon find that asshole .

thats just fucked up its acually terrifying how people like that guy exist in this world .

the police is everywhere but in an important case like this they cant do anything .

i want the guy to rott in jail for what he did ..
lots of love and prayers for the victim in the hospital .

wheres the police when you need them

how does that guy even sleep at night knowing that he kidnapped and held somebody .

agree he should just accept he fucked up and turn himself over to the pol-

,, baby " i raised my eyes from my phone to see jongin walk in with a plate in his hands food on it and on the sides all the different kind of pills for me .

its been another mounth in the hospital appearently i've been
'recovering' as they tell me every fucking week. but just because my body is slowly getting fat again and healing all the bruises and scratched . that doesnt mean i recoverd.

i still felt awfully hopeless, negativ theres just this sadness inside of me that wont leave me alone. i cant help but feel down all the time. i know i have changed for like the thousends time in my pathetic miserable life

but a lot of things have changed aswell

jongin placed the plate onto the table of the hospital bed, moving the table to be in front of me obove my tighs and i just stared at it.

yes a lot of things have changed .

i havent spoken a word since forever i just couldnt find the curage to . sometimes i wanted to say something but i just couldnt . the last time i spoke was to the police .when they asked me what happened and who took me .

they wanted me to descibe the person and appearently i went crazy at that ,they were trying to hold me still but i just felt the sudden urge to defend yixing . i wanted to punch them i wanted them to not take yixing because it wasnt his fault , he just loved me and i dont want him to go to prison because of me . i wont betray him like everyone betrayed me.

,, NOOO ! YOU WONT TAKE HIM ! LEAVE HIM ALONE NO ! I WILL NOT GIVE HIM TO YOU NO NO NO no no no i wont i wont betray him he loves me. he loves m-"
,, baby calm down shh " jongin cupped my face as new tears streamed down .
,, kyungsoo "

i opened my eyes being pulled back to reality . well the reality everyone was keep trying to bring me in . i didnt know anything anymore . i didnt know if my dreams were real or if sitting here with jongin was real. i didnt know what i wanted ,why i was here, what was happening or what was going to happen anymore .

if i had at least something to hold onto i could .. it feels like i'm too unsteady to even continue its like i had long tried to stand but then fell and am just now realizing that i wont be able to stand up anymore .

some friends and some people i dont even know have been visiting me i've seen baekhyun cry so many times and i realy tried to comfort him but i never found the strenght to ..
too often i would just silently lose tears with him . seungsoo has been here aswell but he has said some weird things to me after he found the little piece of paper my dad has given to me when he got me out from yixings basement and on the streets . he asked me what it was and i knew what it was but i didnt want to tell .

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