Chapter 18 : Fantasy

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[ he's not wearing a t-shirt in the story he's wearing a pullover, still]

,, jongin .." hye whined as i carried her on my side over to the car .,, i can walk you know "

,, yeah but . we're in a hurry this time " i sat her down in the passenger seat kissing her temple as i layed the seatbelt around her and rushed to the drivers seat around the car .

once i enterd i heard hyes cute giggle ,, you look funny when you run "

despite my hurried situation i couldnt help but smile at her .
,, thanks to you too "

with that i started driving.
hurriedly ofcorse as i heard hye sang some songs besides me as she played with her hands .
it was a cute sight and that hye was like this again was all thanks to kyungsoo .altho i dont realy know how he did it .he just talked
.. no he didnt even talk he started with holding hands or with drawing pictures together. then he cleaned her room one time and even bought a book where she could do all her drawings in .and after we kinda became friends he showed me her pictures .saying that the pictures were her way of talking. she didnt need a babysitter or a doctor . she just needed her brother or a friend to comfort her .she needed to go to kindergarden and be normal again and eventually attemp school aswell for her future .i remember how i felt incerdibly stupid for not realizing that .
and now i felt just as stupid for believing that seungsoo was acually the one


once i arrived at home .the smell of sweets was gone but that wasnt the priority on my mind ,it was kyungsoo.

my heart stoped as i saw the empty chair . i didnt even hesitate to rush over to the chair as hye just looked at me confused .

but i didnt bother .i looked around. yes i admit i was in panic because i didnt want to lose him again .

one thing caught my eye ..
when i looked into the kitchen through the open door i could see it being clean .so i stepped closer and enterd it .

it was clean everything was clean .. and there he was sitting on the ground and leaning against the fridge .he looked exhausted .and still dirty with the cake cream and stuff .there was still a wet cloth in his hands.

i smiled getting down as i grabbed the cloth and put it away getting a fresh one wetning it and started cleaning his face and hair . it was a wonder he didnt wake up as i did so .and this moment gave me the perfect chance to admire his face again .

i didnt understand why he hid himself behind his glasses and hair aswell as hoodie. he was beautiful .

his pullover was messy too but i didnt want to go that far and make him think i'm some sort of pervert.

so instead i gently moved my hands and forearm under his kness and back .
he groaned as i picked him up .but didnt wake up .instead he kinda snuggled his face into my neck giving me goosbombs.

i layed him back down on the couch and threw the blanket over him. seeing him laying there he did look pale and tired .sweating even a little as i brushed over his forehead .and his hands were still so cold .

looking at his frown i seemed to remember something and instandly moved to the table grabbing my laptop as i seated down besides him again .

i opened it and waited for it to load as i tried to remeber what i had read earlier .

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