Chapter 7: The school ball

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[ staring at each other's lips aha ]

,, just a bit ?" baek pleaded showing me his scicciors as i sat on the chair .

,, i said no they will notice if my hair is suddendly shorter "

,, just tell them you cut them because you couldnt see anymore its true tho because look how they hang down youre eyebrows no more longer and you will acually not see anything ." he was right tho .my hair shouldnt be that long .i mean its not long but my forehead didnt exacly ....well its small just like me so my hair acually have it easier to fall into my eyes if it wasnt for the glasses.

,, no baek" i would like to cut my hair but my back is still hurting and i dont know if he might punish me again because of a haircut .i just wouldnt be able to hide it if he does another punishment now too .

,, i'm back !" yixing annonced entering the diner with a bag .
he quieckly got to us and pulled a folded suit out .i gasped at the sight .

,, yixing !" my eyes were as wide as they could get ,, you said its an old suit!"

,, it is " he chuckled ,, i wore it when i was youre age " he unfolded it and showed it to me .

it was beautiful .i mean its a normal suit just black and white but .. it had like those little touches . i dont know the colour just seemed to somehow glow. it sounds weird to explain but it was an amazing suit .

i gulped as he layed it into my lap and i just kinda stared from him to me .

,, now that we have the suit we just need to fix youre .. everything else " oh wow .thank you very much bacon
,, you know what i mean " he smiled nervously as he noticed my expression .
,, since you dont want to cut youre hair ... lets em .. brush it to the side?"

,, or style it up you smart ass " yixing grabbed the brush and brushed through my hair .as he grabbed the gel readied on the table besides us gently running his fingers through my hair and my forehead suddendly felt so .. free .

,, holy .. mother of ..something" beakhyun gasped once yixing was done making me panic

,, what ? whats wrong ?"

without another word baekhyun took my glasses away and smiled .sharing it with yixing as they still examed me .

,, whats wrong with you 2 what ?"

my best friend chuckled breathy
,, we need contact lenses "

i frowned confused and finally decided to get to the kitchen and look at myself in the reflection of the fridge.

my heart stoped when i acually saw myself .well i didnt recognite myself at the frist sight .is that realy me ?

baekhyun suddendly appeard besides me.
,, you look amazing you know that "

i stayed quiet looking at myself
i didnt even change much ! i just had my hair up and my glasses removed ..

,, you have the face of angel kyungsoo ,why would you hide that ?" he sounded upset .as he looked over me .but i had no words .

,, try youre suit kyungsoo we dont have much time " he pushed me excited into the changing room with the suit and i kinda woke up out of my trance trying the suit on .

this is acually happening . its not a dream its real ..
i am going to the ball and i am looking like this .

when i got back out of the room i saw them sitting there expectendly .but the suit was a little to big . only just a little so it was no problem .
i looked at them still in a daze .as i couldnt believe what was happening .

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