Epiloge : Perfect

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literly just fluff so i wont blame you if you skipped this .
i had problems finishing the book because it was literly my only hobby 😂

so this chapter is like
4000 words boi oh boi .

[ update june 2021 : I'm currently rewriting this book & will update a chapter for further information once it's done so I can do daily updates without pressure ]

,, sh sh .. " i was rocking him back
and forth as he took heavy ragged breaths .
,, its ok .. its ok look i'm here"
he backed off slightly as i whisperd that and i whiped over his wet cheeks before moving his hair back from his forehead only to let it fall back onto it .

,, you ok now ?" he didnt dare look up at me as he took deep inhales to calm himself .

,, hey .. " i titled his chin up and kissed his nose making him smile slightly .before he looked behind me to see the time

i followed his eyes


,, i'm sorry .. i keep waking you " he mutterd playing with his hands which was so cute i couldnt help but pull him closer and lay back down with a chuckle
,, i told you that its ok, i want you to always wake me when something is wrong, got it "

i felt him sigh against my bare chest before i placed a kiss there
,, got it "

its been a while since he got released from the hospital . his feet were healing well leaving a few burning scars that turned darker than his usual pale skin .
he also has a few bruises left from yixing and his back was healing too it almost looked like he was whiped but
i knew he wasnt ,he was hit until his skin splitt. he told me..

my face wasnt the best still either and on some days i still get a headache
but all these wounds were nothing compared to the mental state we both were in .

i dont know why but i always find myself spacing out ,he aswell. he had little problems with facing society .
on some days he was ok with strangers on other days he would tremple and squeeze my hand in fear of other people .
not to mentiom the nightmares and random panic attacks
there was a lot on his plate ..

but this week it seemed to have gotten better so i decided to be brave enough and make this move . maby it wasnt the best thing to do in this kind of time but i felt like we've been through so much . we need this ..

my eyes opened slowly to the light and i lifted my head a little blinking tiredly when i looked back down at kyungsoo who was facing me with his back while he held my hand of the arm that was around his waist .

he was sleeping peacefully and i smiled at that laying back down and snuggling him closer to me when i just closed my eyes and enjoyed being close to him .

but after a while he started to shift a little turning in my arms to now face me .as he sighed
,, stop, fake sleeping .. " he mutterd tiredly and i smiled opening my eyes

,, dont tell me what to do "
his eyes were still closed when he now smiled aswell

,, how do you feel ? "

his smile faded and his eyes opened a little when he just smiled again but differently .. it wasnt sad or fake .
,, i feel better when i wake up to you " he giggled before he got up to a sitting position stretching his arms out .

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