Chapter 28 : Knowing all

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my eyes were wide open as i looked at him and he just continued

,, i'm such an asshole .. i'm so sorry "he whisperd cursing as he repeatendly whiped over his eyes and face ,, he was beating me .. and i was so scared ok . but kyungsoo wasnt, he helped me ,defended me .. he stoped my dad from continuing and bandaged me up even after all the fucking shit i did and i ..
its my fault.. everything "

i just swollowed glancing at him
as he continued confessing

,, i hated him for no reason .. we kept ordering him around .for fun. i even broke the washing mashine so he would have it harder to wash our stuff-"

,, wait ... i dont . what ? start from the beginning " it was confusing he spoke in pieces everything at once and i was in no condition to figure their right order out now .

,, when his mum died .. " he exhaled ,, we were realy .. realy .. i mean we didnt .
my dad didnt marry her because he loved her " he paused once more swollowing and i could tell it was hard for him to talk and judging by his look and his eyes on kyungsoo i could tell he was trying to gather his strenght from the guilt he had
,,his father was a good friend of my dad .. they kept talking about a neckless or something. worth a lot i dont know and when she died without any sign or clue for the neckless my dad was angerd because now he had a boy that wasnt even his .. " he chuckled empty sitting onto the chair besides the bed but i didnt bother sitting down i just looked at him ,, he wanted to throw him out .. just like that onto the streets ..

eujin said no .. she said we could still use him . she knew .. she knew he wouldnt make it on the streets, not with his age or with his crashed spirit .."

i stayed quiet now examing him as his eyes were on kyungsoo . i started taking the story in and knew that it wasnt over i needed to know more . so i sat down aswell . he being on the right side of the bed and i on the left side .both in our chairs .
,, what kind of useful?"

his eyes lifted to look at me and he swollowed probably for the thousenth time
,, for everything .. laundry, cleaning the house . cooking for breakfast .lunch.. getting us stuff . he did everything we wanted him too "
at his words i rememberd the weird lists i've seen in his locker .

i inhaled hesitating with my next question but curiousity got the best of me ,, and if he didnt do it ?"

he hesitated aswell hiding his face in his hands as he sighed .
,,p-punishment fucking punishment "

,, w-whats the punishment ?" i scanned him sharply already guessing what it was and its slowly breaking my heart .

he hid his face more in his hands starting to cry and i felt tears flicker in my eyes aswell .

,, i-its a spoon .. him laying down or leaning over the counter b-before- .. he has to count the hits-"
,, how many hits ?" i lost my voice but didnt want to stop questioning ,, seungsoo ! how many FUCKING hits !"

,, up to 50 .. if he forgot or skipped a number its a fresh start .. " i lost it and leaned over the bed and punshed him into his face as he fell back but i didnt stop and walked around the bed as i got on him . holding him by his collar .

,, and you !?" punsh ,, what did you do !?" punsh ,, did you watch !?" punsh ,, did you turn around !?" i wanted to punsh his fucking face again but he held my fist wich took me by surprise as he just looked at me with those despred eyes .

,, i was the guy .. who told my dad whenever he did something wrong " he whisperd broken.

i wanted to punsh him again so badly i wanted him to feel the pain that kyungsoo had felt all those years but ehn i heard kyungsoo shift and quietly whimper . i just couldnt .
,, fuck .." i got back rubbing over my face .after i saw that kyungsoo was still asleep.

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