Chapter 17 : Stupid for too long

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,, jongin !" kyungsoo scolded me as i ate another spoon of the delicious blue cream .well we already smeard all the cream we needed onto the cake all we have to do it decorate it with glitter and put the barbie in, that it looked like the cake was her dress .so we could aswell just eat the rest .

,, sorry " i chuckled apologic as he tried not to smile and hit me hard on my upper arm .

,, ah .. that hurts! "

,, youre stupidy hurts !"

,, mean!"

,, honest !"

i guess he didnt expect what i did next as i smeard the rest of the cream on my spoon onto his cheek . he gasped stepping back and i raised my eyebrows half smirking .

,, seriously ?"

,, unserio-"i couldnt finish because he took a full spoon and sticked it to my face . making not only my nose and eyes turn blue but also my cheekbones and chin .

i removed the spoon as i heard him chuckling again ...
no giggling. removing the cream i now looked at him .seeing how he acually laughed .

that laugh .. that smile .

it was beautiful .. the sound .it was so familiar and his fucking smile. i blinked severel times because i couldnt realy see it because of all the cream but before i could clear my vision he stoped .

i cough removing the rest of the cream when he helped me with another cloth .
,, sorry .. "he apologized amused .

,, you think i'll forgive you ?" i wanted to hear him laugh again .. something inside of me wanted to see his smile so i just continued our little fight by grabbing into the next bowl and smearing a hand full on his face .

he stepped back ,, jongin !!" he yelled and i laughed loudly before he did the same to me again making me now pink and blue .
he laughed aswell .

and we acted like drunk babies destroying and throwing everything around us .
it was fun .
for the first time since .. forever

i had acual fun again .


well after we had used up all the cream that was left . i saw him washing his hand over his eyes to removed the cream ... he looked acually adorable .

my face was now blue mostly because that colour was on his side of the battlefield .
while i had white and pink .
purple .. got lost under the colours somehwere and green was all used for the cake .

i grabbed the cloth that wasnt as dirty as the others and washed over his eyes with it .

he blinked severel times as we shared eye contact .

those eyes .. well they did look in some way simular to seungsoos and i shoudl hate it because he was the last person i wanted to think about yet i found myself getting lost in his eyes .
it felt like he triggerd something in my and i kept thinking that .. i've seen him before but what i'm thinking now is stupid

,, t-thanks " he cleard his throat coughing a bit .

,, we should probably clean this up before hye comes ." i spoke up looking at the time in half an houre i should pick her up .
,, we got half an houre left"

he nodded understanding as he turned around and grabbed the empty bowls.the cake was luckily in the fridge and didnt get stained or anything .

there were just colours everywhere .

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