Chapter 50 : Family

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it happened too fast for me to act as jongins father stomped over and pulled me by the hoodie away from jongin ,causing me to land hard on the ground as i had to cough to steady myself while jongin quieckly stood up .

but his father was between us with a red face still swollen eyes and shaking fists .

,, dad !" jongin yelled at him trying to get to me as i now sat up again .

,, WHAT IS THIS !??" his dad yelled at him pushing him back and i widen at the harsh push his dad had given his own son , reminding me of my stepdad
,, What is HE doing here !? what are YOU doing !!? "

,, d-dad ." jongin was clearly scared right now as he lowerd his head and i got shakingly to my feet


before jongin could answer ,his father yelled between again .
,, you think i didnt notice YOU standing there with this FAGGOT !? "
the sound of a hard slap echoed through out the room and i instandly moved foreward with widened eyes as i pushed his dad aside. while jongin held his red cheek with tears in his eyes it was familiar and i didnt like it .

his dad just looked shocked at me as i stood in front of jongin glaring at him to not come any closer .i didnt care if it just looked pathetic because i was so short and weak compared to him , because i wont let him hurt jongin .

no one hurts my light .

a breathy chuckle is the only thing that came from his father
,, you're not my son " his eyes landed on jongin and it was so quiet after that .

he grabbed his keys which he had lost on the ground by pushing me and walked over to the door ,grabbing his coat and slamming the door behind him .

after he was gone i slowly turned around to see jongin, new tears in his eyes as his hand was long lowerd but there was a red mark on his cheek .

gently i touched his shoulder but he just turned away
,, dont .. just .not now " he mutterd as he was walking towards the steps .

i quieckly hurried towards the kitchen grabbing a cloth and soaking it in cold water as i hit my chest a few times feeling it somehow tighten .
i wanted to call for him when i exited the kitchen and saw him already on the top of the stairs but i still couldnt bring myself to open my mouth . so instead i rushed foreward after him almost stubling a few times because i wasnt used to walking fast .

he was about to enter his room so i quieckly followed already being out of breath when he turned around . and i blinked concerned at him .
,, stop "

i pointed towards him and then at my own cheek showing him that i just wanted him to cool his red cheek since it looked like it hurt ...
,, just fucking talk ! "
his loud voice made me flinch and the wash cloth landed to the ground .

he's angry at me ..

a moment were we shared eyecontact again . there was only a moment and he looked so angerd it made me feel guilty even more when he groaned and then slammed the door to my face .

i sniffed as my eyes landed on the ground to see the cloth .
swollowing i picked the cloth back up again and headed towards the kitchen.

feeling quite tired on the way .especially because i couldnt help myself and cry a few silent tears. ,which made everything even worse and all i could think of was to cut myself again .

just one little cut but its not good if jongin finds out he would be even more stressed ,he would blame himself and break even more . so i cant do it here.

not that i woud be able to anyway because before i could even reach the kitchen i felt my legs finally giving in and i landed on the ground taking heavy breaths .

i tried to hold myself up by my hands but they failed me aswell and i landed fully to the ground ,my cheek touching the woodenfloor as i just stared at nothing trying to calm my breaths .

seeing the door like this reminded me of the time when my stepdad punished me and i tried to call seungsoo for help .

cant i help myself ? am i this weak ? what will jongin think if he sees me on he ground . i dont want to be weak . i thought i could be strong .

i cried at that ,trying despredly to get up but i cant . i'm so tired my last strenght was used to turn my body to lay on my back

i sniffed one last time before my eyes just stoped battling to stay open .

-{-}-{-}-{-}-{-}-          {♢}♢{♢}♢{♢}♢{♢}

i sighed as i turned around under my blanket . its cold and i was just so freaking mad at everything .

i've just lost my father ... how am i gonna explain this to hye   how am i gonna continue now ? .. i dont know what to do.

i hated everything.

with that i angrily whiped over my face again pulling the blanket down to meet the freah cold air again .

i wonder if kyungsoo is still here .

but i didnt feel like being with him now .. my dad doesnt want anything to do with me because i was with kyungsoo ..

but i love him i cant help it

another sigh escaped my lips as i angrily whiped over my face . my cheek was still numb from the slap. i was just imagening i know but i cant stop thinking about how he looked at me after the slap and after kyungsoo defended me .

yeah he defended me .. and i just slammed the door in front of him .
and another mistake .
i looked towards the door .he must still be here , where else could he go .he doesnt have a phone to call baekhyun or chanyeol neither text them and he wouldnt walk out alone .. would he ?

i stood up walking towards the door as i slowly opened it . he wasnt there .. maby he was downstairs on the couch .
now i felt guilty because i yelled at him .hopefully i didnt hurt him too much .. i need to apologize .

,, kyungsoo " i called as i walked the steps down .brushing my messy hair back . when suddenly my breath hitched as i saw kyungsoo lay there on the ground .

,, kyungsoo !" i quieckly rushed the last few steps down running towards his side i lifted him up to lay on my lap .
,, kyungsoo !" starting to gently tap his cheek i looked at his motionless face .  as if he was peacefully sleeping and i paniced more .

,, whats wrong?? .. dont- dont just-" i groaned looking around and only spotting the wet cloth besides him .he was trying to return it
,, kyungsoo ! please god damnit !" i pulled him up once more steadying him all over as his head rested on my arm while my other hand held his cold wet cheek trying to get him awake somehow .

when i rememberd
his medicine .

he didnt take any this morning . neither last night . he didnt even have a bag or anything with him.

having a fastened and paniced breath i looked around
what to do
what to do
,, shit "

i scooted him more up to carry him bridal style as his head fell limply back but i pulled him more up so his head could rest against my shoulder again . while his hand lifelessy dangeled besides him . the smallest wheezed breaths escaped his lips and i felt terrified all over again.

oh god i'm the worst i kno
show mercy i have happy moments planned ,😁😊...

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