Chapter 43 : Spark of hope

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,, mum ! " i ran crying through the house searching her before i found the bathroom and decided to save myself in there when i suddenly slipped and fell onto the ground and as i raised myself slowly i could feel how my face wasnt only wet from tears and looking under me my hands almost slipped again from all the blood.

my breath hitched and i whiped over my face in panic ,Feeling my breath unsteady as i looked onto my in blood soaked Hands . my eyes widened and i sat back and looked over the rest of me to see more blood on my Shirt ,pants and even bare feet . i fell into a pool of blood and it was everywhere .

,, kyungsoo !" an angry voice appeard and i didnt need to guess to know that it was my stepdad .i was so terrified i was shaking and looking around crying to myself and closing my eyes i just want mum to save me .

,, noo ! you wont have it " it was my mum !

my eyes opened quieckly and i heard them arguing upstairs he didnt follow me down here . he was still upstairs .

panicly i stood back up ignoring the blood as i rushed outside and up the stairs leaving a trail of blood behind me

i ran to the closed and locked door punshing and kicking it . as i pushed and pulled the door handle . my mum and stepdad were in there! and they were fighting !

finally after i heard a crack someone falling against the door from the inside . i stepped back and finally the door flew harshly open with me having wide eyes i watched my mum lay on the ground bruised and bleeding . the cuts on her arms loosing the most blood
,, mum !" i cried wanting to get closer to her but he came sooner looking onto me .

my heart stopped and i glanced with wide eyes up at him as he neared me .my mum was faster as she pushed him foreward and pulled my hand getting us back into the room and closing the door as she pushed the wardrobe on the side before it and i helped her until it even broke the doorknob .

my breathing was heavy and my heart felt like it would explode any minute as i sobbed and looked at her shakingly with all the blood on me . i was just so scared

,, Babysoo .. " she spoke quietly with a sad breaking voice

looking at my mum who stood there soaked in blood , i saw a tear slipped down her bruised cheek as she whiped over mine .

,, mum ?" i hugged her tight and she hughed me aswell
thats when the banging started.

i flinched everytime .
and she soothed me moving the both of us slowly in a direction

until we stopped and she backed away from the hug .

,, i love you Babysoo .." she smiled and i heard some banging get louder

,, mum .. mum " i paniced and grabbed her hand .as she began climbing onto the open window
,, stop ! come back "

i tried so hard to pull her away from the window but i was so small my hands where so small and i was too weak .

she only caressed my cheek and kissed my forehead as she leaned closer again with tears in her eyes .
,, i'm so sorry .. i love you so much please .get the letters and run away ,you cant stay with him please kyungsoo ."

,, what letters ? why cant you help me ? run away with me !" she sobbed silently .

,, i c-cant .. this is the only way for you to be free... find the letters and the neckless "

,, i d-dont understand " i cried despredly scardly i dont want her to leave me i need her .

,, a corn in 2 hands" she whisperd before placing a kiss to my temple
and before i could answer or react .she removed my hands and leaned back .

she fell .

,, MUM !! " i screamed and leaned out of the window . watching her fall and hit the ground with a crack that was loud enough even for me to hear .

it was in the middle of the night and no one was aroind ,i had my eyes on my mums body . on the blood that was appearing around her .it was the worst thing i have ever seen .her body twisted so weirdly and her hair mixed with blood .

just .
stared .

i was numb a tear escaping unnoted my eyes and i ignored how the door opened and i got pulled more in getting kicked i heard yells screams cursing and groaning but i didnt care .

until something hard hit my head and i fell foreward into blackness


slowly opening my eyes i saw the white walls of the hospital ceiling . but today was different ...

my chest was on fire and there was something on my face covering my nose and mouth .

despite that . i just had this dream of my past . i didnt realy remember my past at all that much but now it seemed like it all came back . i now knew what they meant with the neckless but i dont understand what letters meant .

they were searching for a neckless thats probably worth billions and i know where it is . well kinda..

,, baby .. hey " i turned my head clearing my throat as i saw jongin
,, morning sleepy head .. " he whisperd gently his hand stroking my hair back from my forehead and i just tiredly blinked at him
,, you scared me this night " his smile fell slightly and he looked rather sad .
,, your .. youre heart stoped " he exhaled shakingly ,, they dont know why exacly.. it just stoped .."

i watched sadly as jongin lowerd his head losing a few tears which he didnt dare show to me .
,, they removed the pacemaker ..
because it only worsened your condition and i dont i ..

baby .. " his hands both grabbed mine squeezing it a little .
,, i-i cant handle this, i thought i lost you .. again and its killing me . i dont want to lose you but i also .. i want you back, i cant sleep, i feel like shit . baekhyun keeps calling me asking me things i cant answer myself seungsoo has disappeard he went crazy and chanyeol i have already pushed him away from me and i dont even know why . then my mum .." another few tears rolled fown his cheeks ,, my dad ... i ..i just dont know what to do-" he stoped talking once i finally had brought my hand up to be on his cheek .

he looked with teary eyes back into mine and i smiled a little .
something flashed in his eyes and he swollowed as i removed my hands again scooting to the side a little to reveal enough space for him on the bed .

and at that he looked at me again whiping his tears away as he slowly got onto the bed. i didnt hesitated and scotted closer, wrapping my arms around his neck his arms found their way to my waist and we got closer until i was able to burry his face in my stomach and chest hugging him tight as he did aswell .just like we did before because i knew it was helping him.

and i closed my eyes biting both of my lips together as i heard his muffled sobbs in my stomach .

i rememberd that jongin was one of the reasons i was still here. that one that made me feel different than the others .
i may not know if i loved him but i know that i cared for him

i realized that jongin is still the main reason why i am still here .
followed by baekhyun and now even chanyeol .

with that thought i smiled .

i can do it ..
i can still try to be strong
i just need something to release this horrible feeling thats contandly pulling me down ...
and then maby i could stand up or at least get on my knees again .

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