Chapter 47 : where was us

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,, oh ...  sorry didnt mean to wake you " he whisperd as i slowly opened my eyes and i turned slightly to look at him because my head was resting on his chest while we both faced the sky .my left hand was linked with jongins on my stomach while the other just layed in the grass .

,, wont they notice that i'm not in my room anymore ?" i asked him not looking away from the stars because .. it looked so amazing .

,, nah .. if they do  they would call me and then i would say i kidnapped you " i giggled at that and he continued stroking through my hair and i realized why i woke up. his touch was so gently and so calming .

i couldnt help but sigh and close my eyes again as he was running his hands through my hair.
,, i'mma fall asleep again , dont laugh at my sleeping pig face " i mutterd bearly loud enough for him to hear as i still had my eyes closed .

,, i would never laugh at the sleeping beauty "

,, shut up " i giggled shifting slightly to face his shoulder and he layed his other arm around my bacl aswell moving me more on him being gentle because of my bruises on my back but i just smiled snuggling into him while i held his hand besides us tight.

my eyes flew open to see baekhyun sitting there .he was asleep on the chair besides my bed and his head was resting on chanyeols shoulder .

i almost flinched when i saw chanyeol awake and looking at me with a warm smile .
,, morning " he whisperd probabyl because of baek .

i just blinked at him ,being more awake now .i fell asleep yesterday .. meaning that i didnt add another cut to my skin .
and thats whats been going through my head now .

,, breakfast came from the hospital but it honestly doesnt look ... eatable . so i bought some nuddles with sauce and chicken . its over there " chanyeol continued explaining as he pointed with his head over to the table besides me .

he probably didnt want to stand up because baek finally fell asleep.

my eyes landed on the still packed food on the table in a little plastic bag ... but i wasnt realy hungry all i wanted was to cut my stomach .

so i painfully moved my legs over the bed edge before standing slowly onto them and i grabbed the writing board .
i'm going to the toilet 

he sighed and nodded sceptically . they still did everytime i went even the shortest way on my own . for gods sake the bathroom was right there .

i took a few small steps as always . supporting myself a little on the wall . the pain wasnt the problem the numbness however was . because sometimes i when i would take a bigger step my foot ends up just stepping wrongly to the ground and i fall over .

and thats exacly what happened
even before i could reach the stupid bathroom. chanyeol cant come baek is finally sleeping

,, kyungsoo " be quiet baek is sleeping .

i stood up shakingly holding myself on the wall as i took a deep breath and looked over to him ,meeting his concerned eyes ,he looked like he was about to stand up .

so i smiled shaking my head at him a sign for telling him that its fine .
his expression didnt change but i didnt realy care . as long as he doesnt stand up .

i will be back soon ,i'll just cut myself realy quieckly just once or twice then i will feel better .

so i opened the bathroom door and locked it behind me as i sat to the ground . i grabbed into my little bag of things like extra toothbrushes still packed or shampoo and brushes .and on the little side bag there were my broken razors .making me smile for a little .

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