Chapter 16 : I dont love you

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,, just one more " seungsoo whined as he posed in front of the tree in the mall .

i just rolled my eyes sighing heavily .. how can a person just want to have so many pictures of themselefes on their phone .

today seems to be the day .. i didnt ask seungsoo to go to the mall with me because i wanted to make thousends of photos just of him .

i asked him out because i made a decicion .. finally.

,, seungsoo , i need to talk to you" i finally spoke after i took another few photos .

,, yeah yeah just take ano-"
,, seungsoo " i was getting realy realy tired of him .

he turned his eyes from the camera to me frowning .as if he was about to be angry at me .. again ofcorse .

,, i'm serious .. i didnt ask you to meet me just to take some stupid photos with you i'm done seungsoo "

his eyebrows formed even more into a confused position almost meeting each other in the middle
,, what do you mean ?"

,, you realy want to know ? i was trying to make it nice and careful but youre making it realy realy hard for me "
i sighted touching the bridge of my nose as i didnt know what exacly to say

,, i asked what you meant ! are you fucking breaking up with me !? do you want me to break up !?" omg his voice ... how can he be so annoying .

,, yes !" i yell back and he flinched surprised ,, seungsoo for gods sake i dont know what happened but i dont love you anymore, i dont seungsoo and that it took me so long to realize it makes me angry "

,, w-what ?" his eyes widen and he stepped closer to me acting "cute" he was handsome no doupd but cute not at all it just looked weird seeing his puppy face .

,, stop , just stop oh my god .. seungsoo you are the most annoying person i have ever met you're just like the others laughing at the smaller once and only acting selfish while the image is the most important one .." exhaling i continued
,, i miss the guy who used to talk to me in the bathroom.
the little beauty at the back of the school because he was too shy to be at a place with many people .the guy whose smile seemed to be enough to make me feel like i dont need anything else .that boy that was so insecure that it worried me " i took his hands in mine feeling nothing ,, that boy whose soft hands made my heart dance inside my chest " i let his hands go and he stared at me .

,, did you hit youre head !? you cant break up with me!-"
,, because that wouldnt make youre image shine as it does right now ? .. you dont love me seungsoo .. you've changed .you're not the boy i fell in love with in a short time .you're one of those guys i would rather walk around to avoid ." i saw his tears falling but i didnt feel bad .
,, and now you're not crying because this hurts you, you're crying because i figured out that you tricked me .. this was all a game to you wasnt it ? act like that and then show youre real face like this .. you're not crying because you love me, you're crying because you're despred to lose me as youre trophy " i inhaled straightning .
,, goodbye seungsoo "

with that i turned around and was about to walk away when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and spun me around .

a loud slap made some people turn oure way .because seungsoo had slapped me .so harsh that the noise wasnt exacly quiet .
,, asshole ! do you realy think this was some kind of fairy tale !? there are no soulmates out there you'll get thricked many times more dont feel so special because you're nothing but a dumb piece of shit ! just because you can dance and are hot ? you think you're life is now saved .screw you .. youre not prince charming and i'm not cinderella !"

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